- 支持协程/非协程模式自动切换
- 支持 Laravel5 ~ Laravel7 开箱即用
- 支持 Lumen5 ~ Lumen7 开箱即用
- 支持 Hyperf 开箱即用
- 支持任意场景、框架使用
- 支持告警请求发送失败重试
- 支持记录请求日志
composer require alarm-dog/alarm
composer require hyperf/guzzle
$ php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish alarm-dog/alarm
Scanning app ...
Scan app completed, took 171.40197753906 milliseconds.
Detected an available cache, skip the vendor scan process.
[DEBUG] Event Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication handled by Hyperf\Config\Listener\RegisterPropertyHandlerListener listener.
[DEBUG] Event Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication handled by Hyperf\Paginator\Listener\PageResolverListener listener.
[DEBUG] Event Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication handled by Hyperf\Di\Listener\BootApplicationListener listener.
[DEBUG] Event Hyperf\Framework\Event\BootApplication handled by Hyperf\DbConnection\Listener\RegisterConnectionResolverListener listener.
[alarm-dog/alarm] publishes [config] successfully.
配置文件在 config/autoload/dog.php
,配置说明请参考下面章节 配置项说明
use Dog\Alarm\Alarm;
use Dog\Alarm\Exception\AlarmException;
$content = [
'errno' => 10086,
'error' => '您的余额已不足',
* 方法一:直接实例化
$alarm = new Alarm();
try {
* Alarm::report 方法返回 \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface 对象
* @var \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
$response = $alarm->report($content);
$array = $alarm->resolveResponse($response);
$array 的结构请参考下方数组:
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(36) "74bfd2d8-a1c9-434b-9098-50efc0f08ee2"
string(19) "2020-06-26 20:50:19"
string(7) "success"
// 如果要一气呵成,直接返回数组,可以使用
$array = $alarm->resolveResponse($alarm->report($content));
} catch (AlarmException $e) {
// 告警发送失败会抛出该异常
// 指定通知时间:
$alarm->report($content, time());
// 指定告警级别
$alarm->report($content, null, Alarm::LEVEL_ERROR);
// 指定临时通知人
$alarmGroups = [1, 2];
$channelDingGroup = new DingGroup([
['webhook' => 'webhook1', 'secret' => 'secret1'],
['webhook' => 'webhook2', 'secret' => 'secret2'],
$channelYachGroup = new YachGroup();
$channelYachGroup->addRobot('webhook1', 'secret1')->addRobot('webhook2', 'secret2')
['webhook' => 'webhook3', 'secret' => 'secret3'],
['webhook' => 'webhook4', 'secret' => 'secret4'],
]); // 第二个参数为true是会进行全量替换,覆盖之前的,默认为false
$channelDingWorker = new DingWorker([98664, 98665]);
$channelEmail = new Email();
$channelEmail->addUid(98664)->addUid(98665)->addUids([98666, 98667]);
$channels = [$channelDingGroup, $channelYachGroup];
$receiver = new Receiver($alarmGroups, $channels);
// 或者 $receiver = new Receiver([], $channels);
// 或者 $receiver = new Receiver($alarmGroups);
// 或者 $receiver = new Receiver();
->addAlarmGroups([1, 5], true) // 第二个参数为true是会进行全量替换,覆盖之前的,默认为false
->addChannel(new DingWorker([1]))
// 以上仅用于展示SDK所有支持的方法
// 指定临时通知人
$alarm->report($content, null, null, $receiver);
* 方法二:使用make
// 剩下使用方法同方法一
$alarm = make(Alarm::class);
* 方法三:使用@Inject注解,推荐
* 注意Inject的命名空间引入
* @Inject
* @var Alarm
protected $alarm;
// 剩下使用方法同方法一
* 方法四:使用容器Container,推荐
// 剩下使用方法同方法一
$alarm = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(Alarm::class);
// 或者
$alarm = $container->get(Alarm::class);
// 或者
$alarm = $this->container->get(Alarm::class);
* 测试告警发送
* 用于验证taskid、token是否合法,不真实发送告警
try {
$result = $alarm->test();
// 测试成功
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// 测试失败
$errMsg = $e->getMessage();
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dog\Alarm\Provider\LaravelServiceProvider"
Copied File [/alarm-dog-php-sdk/config/dog.php] To [/config/dog.php]
Publishing complete.
配置文件在 config/dog.php
,配置说明请参考下面章节 配置项说明
* 方法一:直接实例化
// 请参考Hyperf中直接实例化
* 方法二:使用app()助手函数,推荐
// 剩下使用方法同Hyperf章节中的方法一
$alarm = app(Alarm::class);
* 方法三:使用门面Facade,推荐
use Dog\Alarm\Provider\Laravel\AlarmFacade;
$response = AlarmFacade::report($content);
$array = AlarmFacade::resolveResponse($response);
$array = AlarmFacade::resolveResponse(AlarmFacade::report($content));
// 可以看出 AlarmFacade 和 new Alarm() 使用方式一样,不过Facade提供静态方法访问,剩下使用方法同Hyperf章节中的方法一
Lumen框架不支持配置文件自动发布,需要在 bootstrap/app.php
中配置 $app->register(Dog\Alarm\Provider\LumenServiceProvider::class);
| Register Service Providers
| Here we will register all of the application's service providers which
| are used to bind services into the container. Service providers are
| totally optional, so you are not required to uncomment this line.
// $app->register(App\Providers\AppServiceProvider::class);
// $app->register(App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider::class);
// $app->register(App\Providers\EventServiceProvider::class);
| Load The Application Routes
| Next we will include the routes file so that they can all be added to
| the application. This will provide all of the URLs the application
| can respond to, as well as the controllers that may handle them.
mkdir config && cp vendor/alarm-dog/alarm/config/dog.php config/
配置文件在 config/dog.php
,配置说明请参考下面章节 配置项说明
* 方法一:直接实例化
// 请参考Hyperf中直接实例化
* 方法二:使用app()助手函数,推荐
// 剩下使用方法同Hyperf章节中的方法一
$alarm = app(Alarm::class);
* 方法三:使用门面Facade,必须Lumen开启了对Facade的支持才行,推荐
use Dog\Alarm\Provider\Laravel\AlarmFacade;
$response = AlarmFacade::report($content);
$array = AlarmFacade::resolveResponse($response);
$array = AlarmFacade::resolveResponse(AlarmFacade::report($content));
// 可以看出 AlarmFacade 和 new Alarm() 使用方式一样,不过Facade提供静态方法访问,剩下使用方法同Hyperf章节中的方法一
$alarm = new Alarm();
// 如果需要修改调用域名,可以调用 $alarm->setBaseUri('http://alarm-dog-service.domain.com/alarm/report');
// 如果需要配置guzzle,可以调用 $alarm->setGuzzleConfig($guzzleConfig); 配置格式请参考config/dog.php中guzzle下面的数组
// 剩下使用方法同Hyperf章节中的方法一
$response = $alarm->report($content);
默认配置文件使用了 env
在 Hyperf/Laravel/Lumen 框架中,直接在 .env
文件中配置正确的 DOG_TASKID
use GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatter;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* 哮天犬配置文件
return [
// 告警任务ID
'taskid' => (int) env('DOG_TASKID'),
// 告警任务token
// 获取方法请参考:https://tal-tech.github.io/alarm-dog-docs/quick-start/alarm.html#step4%EF%BC%9A%E5%91%8A%E8%AD%A6%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%A3%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95
'token' => env('DOG_TOKEN'),
// 告警地址,默认为:http://alarm-dog-service.domain.com
// 请参考文档中的环境说明:https://tal-tech.github.io/alarm-dog-docs/alarm/alarm-api.html
'base_uri' => env('DOG_BASE_URI'),
* GuzzleHttp配置
'guzzle' => [
// guzzle原生配置选项,请参考文档:https://guzzle-cn.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/request-options.html
'options' => [
'http_errors' => false,
'connect_timeout' => 0,
'timeout' => 0,
// hyperf集成guzzle的swoole配置选项
'swoole' => [
'timeout' => 10,
'socket_buffer_size' => 1024 * 1024 * 2,
// guzzle中间件配置,请参考文档:https://guzzle-cn.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/handlers-and-middleware.html
'middlewares' => [
// 失败重试中间件
'retry' => function ($container = null) {
return Middleware::retry(function ($retries, RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null) {
if (
(! $response || $response->getStatusCode() >= 500) &&
$retries < 1
) {
return true;
return false;
}, function () {
return 10;
// // 请求日志记录中间件
// 'logger' => function ($container = null) {
// // $format中{response}调用$response->getBody()会导致没有结果输出
// $format = ">>>>>>>>\n{request}\n<<<<<<<<\n{res_headers}\n--------\n{error}";
// $formatter = new MessageFormatter($format);
// // 在其他框架将$logger进行正确替换即可
// // hyperf框架请使用下发方式获得Logger
// // $logger = \Hyperf\Utils\ApplicationContext::getContainer()
// // ->get(\Hyperf\Logger\LoggerFactory::class)
// // ->get('influx-guzzle');
// // laravel框架请使用下发方式获得Logger
// // $logger = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log::getLogger();
// return Middleware::log($logger, $formatter, 'debug');
// }
// hyperf集成guzzle的连接池配置选项,非hyperf框架忽略
// 连接池可以参考hyperf官方的文档:https://hyperf.wiki/2.0/#/zh-cn/guzzle
'pool' => [
'option' => [
'max_connections' => 200,