Drawing Receiver Operation Characteristic Curve (ROC curve) and Calculate Area Under ROC curve (AUROC)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

About this code

The script "main.m" is wirtten for drawing Receiver Operation Characteristic Curve (ROC curve) and calculating Area Under ROC curve (AUROC)


Fig.1 ROC curve and AUROC value for different screening methods

Who am I

Wonjoong Cheon
Ph.D candidate Medical Physics Lab. - SUMP Lab.
Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology(SAIHST), SungKyunKwan University.
B.E. Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering , Yonsei University.
B.S. Dept. of Radiological Science, Yonsei University.

Samsung Medical Center (Medical Physics, 2014 ~ )
National Cancer Center (Computer Vision: 3D volume reconstruction and Tracking, 2013)
Vatech Vision reasearch Center (CT image reconstruction, 2012)

Interest field
Medical physics: Monte-carlo simulation, Development quality assurance tool
Machine learning: :)

Samsung Medical Center (06351) 81 Irwon-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea.