
A library for creating RedisGeo Hash values within .NET

Primary LanguageC#


A library for creating RedisGeo Hash values within .NET


This is a C# port of the Redis Geo Hash code by antirez https://github.com/antirez/redis


When I was involved in the writting of the Stackexchange.Redis Geo functionality I become interested in how they are using GeoHashes to store information in sorted sets. Behind the scense a RedisGeo collection is nothing more than a SortSet. They use a numerical represenation of GeoHashes to achieve this. I wanted to do the same thing from within .NET to implemented local GEO collections for caching purposes at work.\


Below is a code snip from the test case included in the project. I compared the output from this application to the output found in Redis.

public void Test()
            double lat = 39.923422, lon = -86.1078998;
            var x = new RedisGeoHash(new []{lat,lon});

Compared to Redis:

will@will-laptop:/mnt/c/Users/wdavis$ redis-cli> geoadd willt -86.1078998 39.923422 1
(integer) 1> zrange willt 0 100 WITHSCORES
1) "1"
2) "1782901374540128"