
A Clojure project to add Column Encryption to Korma.

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Korma-Encrypted provides an extension to Korma to encrypt given database columns. Korma-Encrypted should be used cautiously. It is being used in production. It is only currently tested against Postgres 9.1 and may not work with other databases korma supports. Pull-requests to add additional database support are welcome.

Getting Started

Add korma-encrypted as a dependency to your lein project:

[korma-encrypted "0.3.0"]


To let Korma know that a column will be encrypted simply require korma-encrypted and invoke this call within the Korma defentity macro.

Korma Encrypted also requires a separate database table to include encryption keys and is configured with a key encryption key. Additionally korma-encrypted will create a relation between the table with encrypted columns and a table assumed to be called data_encryption_keys. You can generate an encrypted data encryption key with the generate-and-save-data-encryption-key function, also passing it your key encryption key and optionally the database to insert into.

(require [korma.core :as korma]
         [korma-encrypted.core :refer [encrypted-fields]])

(def key-encryption-key "This is not secure, don't do this for real.")

(generate-and-save-data-encryption-key key-encryption-key)

(defentity credit-card
  (encrypted-fields key-encryption-key :number :expiration-date-month :expiration-date-year))

When performing updates on entities with encrypted fields, use korma-encrypted/update-encrypted-entity instead of the standard korma/update function. This ensures data encryption key foriegn keys stored on encrypted entities are preserved on updates.

(update-encrypted-entity credit-card-with-encrypted-fields


Fork the library, write some tests, fix said tests, submit a pull-request.

A docker-compose.yml is provided to make test set-up easy. docker-compose up -d db will start the postgres database that tests rely on. docker-compose build test && docker-compose run test lein test will run tests. You should also be able to open a repl in the test image if that's how you roll.


Copyright © 2015 William Dix

Distributed under the MIT License.