
Extend cloud computing, data and service seamlessly to edge devices.

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OpenEdge is an open edge computing framework that extends cloud computing, data and service seamlessly to edge devices. It can provide temporary offline, low-latency computing services, and include device connect, message routing, remote synchronization, function computing, video access pre-processing, AI inference, etc. The combination of OpenEdge and the Cloud Management Suite of BIE(Baidu IntelliEdge) will achieve cloud management and application distribution, enable applications running on edge devices and meet all kinds of edge computing scenario.


About architecture design, OpenEdge takes modularization and containerization design mode. Based on the modular design pattern, OpenEdge splits the product to multiple modules, and make sure each one of them is a separate, independent module. In general, OpenEdge can fully meet the conscientious needs of users to deploy on demand. Besides, OpenEdge also takes containerization design mode to build images. Due to the cross-platform characteristics of docker to ensure the running environment of each operating system is consistent. In addition, OpenEdge also isolates and limits the resources of containers, and allocates the CPU, memory and other resources of each running instance accurately to improve the efficiency of resource utilization.

Docker container mode

Native process mode


OpenEdge is made up of main program module, local hub module, local function module, MQTT remote module and Python2.7 runtime module. The main capabilities of each module are as follows:

  • Main program module is used to manage all modules's behavior, such as start, stop, etc. And it is composed of module engine, API and cloud agent.
    • Module engine controls the behavior of all modules, such as start, stop, restart, listen, etc, and currently supports docker container mode and native process mode.
    • Cloud agent is responsible for the communication with Cloud Management Suite of BIE, and supports MQTT and HTTPS protocols. In addition, if you use MQTT protocol for communication, must take two-way authentication of SSL/TLS; otherwise, you must take one-way authentication of SSL/TLS due to HTTPS protocol.
    • The main program exposes a set of HTTP API, which currently supports to start, stop and restart module, also can get free port.
  • local hub module is based on MQTT protocol, which supports four connect modes, including TCPSSL(TCP+SSL)WS(Websocket) and WSS(Websocket+SSL).
  • local function module provides a high flexible, high available, rich scalable and quickly responsible power due to MQTT protocol. Functions are executed by one or more instances, each of them is a separate process. GRPC Server is used to run a function instance.
  • MQTT remote module supports MQTT protocol, can be used to synchronize messages with remote hub. In fact, it is two MQTT Server Bridge modules, which are used to subscribe to messages from one Server and forward them to the other.
  • Python2.7 runtime module is an implementation of local function module. So developers can write python script to handler messages, such as filter, exchange, forward, etc.


  • support module management, include start, stop, restart, listen and upgrade
  • support two mode: docker container mode and native process mode
  • docker container mode support resources isolation and restriction
  • support cloud management suite, which can be used to report device hardware information and deploy configuration
  • provide local hub module, which supports MQTT v3.1.1 protocol, qos 0 or 1, SSL/TLS authentication
  • provide local function module, which supports function instance scaling, Python2.7 runtime and customize runtime
  • provide MQTT remote module, which supports MQTT v3.1.1 protocol
  • provide module SDK(Golang), which can be used to develop customize module


  • Shielding computing framework: OpenEdge provides two official computing modules(local function module and Python2.7 runtime module), also supports customize module(which can be written in any programming language or any machine learning framework).
  • Simplified application production: OpenEdge combines with Cloud Management Suite of BIE and many other productions of Baidu Cloud(such as CFC, Infinite, Jarvis, IoT EasyInsight, TSDB, IoT Visualization) to provide data calculation, storage, visible display, model training and many more abilities.
  • Quickly deployment: OpenEdge pursues docker container mode, it make developers quickly deploy OpenEdge on different operating system.
  • Deploy on demand: OpenEdge takes modularization mode and splits functions to multiple independent modules. Developers can select some modules which they need to deploy.
  • Rich configuration: OpenEdge supports X86 and ARM CPU processors, as well as Linux, Darwin and Windows operating systems.

Getting Started


Running environment requirements

  • Install Docker if running openedge in docker container mode (recommended)

    For Linux(support multiple platforms, recommended)

    curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh

    For Ubuntu

    # Install Docker from Ubuntu's repositories
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo snap install -y docker # Ubuntu16.04 after
    sudo apt install -y docker.io # Ubuntu 16.04 before
    # or install Docker CE from Docker's repositories for Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | apt-key add -
    add-apt-repository \
         "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
         $(lsb_release -cs) \
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install docker-ce

    For CentOS

    # Install Docker from CentOS/RHEL repository
    yum install -y docker
    # or install Docker CE from Docker's CentOS repositories
    yum install yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
    yum-config-manager \
         --add-repo \
    yum update && yum install docker-ce

    For Debian

    # Install Docker from Debian's repositories
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y dockerio
    # or install Docker CE from Docker's Debian repositories
    # Debian 8 jessie or Debian 9 stretch
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install \
         apt-transport-https \
         ca-certificates \
         curl \
         gnupg2 \
         lsb-release \
    # Debian 7 Wheezy
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install \
         apt-transport-https \
         ca-certificates \
         curl \
         lsb-release \
    curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
    # add docker-ce-repository to sources.list
    sudo add-apt-repository \
         "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \
         $(lsb_release -cs) \
    # Only for Debian 7 Wheezy, comment below line use "#"
    deb-src [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian wheezy stable
    # install docker-ce
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

    For Darwin

    # Install Homebrew
    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    # Instal docker
    brew tap caskroom/cask
    brew cask install docker
  • Install Python2.7 and Python runtime requirements if running openedge in native process mode

    For Ubuntu or Debian

    # Check python is installed or not
    python -V
    # If not installed, install it
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python python-pip
    sudo pip install protobuf grpcio

    For CentOS

    # Check python is installed or not
    python -V
    # If python is not installed, install it
    sudo yum install python python-pip
    sudo pip install protobuf grpcio

    For Darwin

    # Check python is installed or not
    python -V
    # If not installed, install it
    brew install python@2
    pip install protobuf grpcio

Developing environment requirements

Except docker and python application as above mentioned, if you want to build OpenEdge from source or contribute code to OpenEdge, you also need install golang.

In addition, OpenEdge need the version of golang is higher than 1.10. So, you can install golang use below command.

  1. For Linux

    You should download the golang from download-page first.

    # Extract golang to /usr/local(or a specified directory)
    tar -C /usr/local -zxf go$VERSION.linux-$ARCH.tar.gz
    # Set GOPATH(such as ~/.bashrc)
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
    export GOPATH=yourpath
  2. For Darwin

    # Install golang
    brew install go
    # Set GOPATH, GOROOT(such as ~/.bash_profile)
    export GOPATH="${HOME}/go"
    export GOROOT="$(brew --prefix golang)/libexec"
    export PATH="$PATH:${GOPATH}/bin:${GOROOT}/bin"
    # Source GOPATH, GOROOT
    source yourfile
    # Set GOPATH directory
    test -d "${GOPATH}" || mkdir "${GOPATH}"

    Show golang version and golang environment:

    go env # show golang environment
    go version # show golang version


You must download OpenEdge executable from Release-page first.

# Extract OpenEdge
tar -zxvf /path/to/openege-$OS-$ARCH-$VERSION.tar.gz /path/to/openedge/extract

# Execute
cd /path/to/openedge/extract
bin/openedge -w . # Run OpenEdge in Docker containerization mode(OpenEdge official only support)

If you want to run OpenEdge in Native process mode, please build OpenEdge and other module first.

# Clone OpenEdge source code
go get github.com/baidu/openedge

# Build OpenEdge from source

# Build local Docker image
make images

# Install OpenEdge(default directory /usr/local)
make PFEFIX=yourpath install

# Uninstall OpenEdge
make PFEFIX=yourpath uninstall

# Clean log
make PFEFIX=yourpath clean


# Run OpenEdge in Docker containerization mode(such as install OpenEdge in $GOPATH/src/github.com/baidu/openedge/output)
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/baidu/openedge
output/bin/openedge -w example/docker

# Run OpenEdge in Native process mode

Running the tests

make test


If you are passionate about contributing to open source community, OpenEdge will provide you with both code contributions and document contributions. More details, please see: How to contribute code or document to OpenEdge.

Copyright and License

OpenEdge is provided under the Apache-2.0 license.


As the first open edge computing framework in China, OpenEdge aims to create a lightweight, secure, reliable and scalable edge computing community that will create a good ecological environment. Here, we offer the following options for you to choose from:

  • If you want to participate in OpenEdge's daily development communication, you are welcome to join Wechat-for-OpenEdge
  • If you have more about feature requirements or bug feedback of OpenEdge, please Submit an issue
  • If you want to know more about OpenEdge and other services of Baidu Cloud, you are welcome to visit Baidu-Cloud-forum
  • If you have better development advice about OpenEdge, please contact us: contact@openedge.tech