My Photos


This application is called my photos. It’s a “curated” site allowing users to rate and comment on curated galleries. I will be adding the ability to create public galleries in the future. It shows people a list of photos I liked and provides the user ability to comment and upvote photos. This is an ongoing project to be refactored and more features built in.

To like a picture simply click on the heart icon. To provide a comment on the picture click on the picture itself or the comment link. Then type your name in the author input box and type in your comment on the comment box and press enter. To return home click on the top my photos icon.


The Front end is built with React.js and Redux.js store.
I am using Redux as a state manager with React components for UI.

Back end is built using Node.js and the Express.js framework. There is no database used in this application.

Working application

Please visit my photos.