Yolv8n RK3588 Demo 🚀

This repository contains a demonstration of Yolv8n running on an RK3588 device.

How to Use

Configuring OpenCV Installation Directory

Edit CMakeList.txt to set your OpenCV installation directory:

set(OpenCV_DIR /root/lib/opencv454_install/lib/cmake/opencv4)

Replace the path with your own OpenCV installation directory.

Building the Project

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Running the Demo

Inference from Images

To run the demo using default image:


Inference from Video

Video inference is currently under development 🚧. Initial tests indicate performance is currently too slow.



The tools directory contains scripts for model conversion which are intended to be run on a host machine. These include:

  • modity_no_boxhead_transpose.py

    This script removes the bbox head and performs other operations on the official exported Yolv8n model.

  • onnx2rknn_export.py

    This script converts the modified ONNX model (with the head removed) to an RKNN model.