A small Python program to generate workouts based on a list of drills
##How to use it
Add drills to drills.txt
(or to wherever the Python program points) in the form:
[Drill] ([mean # of reps]/[standard deviation for reps])
From there, you can edit the implementation code at the bottom of workoutMaker.py
to create sets of drills
from the drillReader (dr
running DrillReader#getDrills(drillGroup, ordered, number)
will return a string of drills from the
specified drillGroup (ordered 0 to n from the order in the drill txt) that is ordered or not (depending on the
boolean parameter) with number
number of drills.
Running the program will then print the workout!
##To Do
- make a workout class that has different types of workouts saved
- add a "weave" ability that combines two different drill groups (like leg strength, upper body strength, leg, etc.)