
Prometheus Exporter for AIX njmon

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Prometheus exporter for IBM AIX systems running njmon.

WIP - This exporter is currently in development.

  • Create a TCP server for inbound njmon connections
  • Export initial metrics to Prometheus exporter format and serve them
  • Add support for a yaml configuration file
  • Register an exporter port in the Prometheus Wiki
  • Support command line flags
  • Logging
  • Config validation support
  • Provide decent unit test coverage
  • Add a method for appending labels to selected source hosts (E.g. Dev vs. Prod)
  • Declare it ready for use


njmon_exporter provides an interface between Prometheus and the AIX njmon tool (http://nmon.sourceforge.net/pmwiki.php?n=Site.Njmon). It listens for the connections described below:

  • njmon instances running on IBM AIX systems (Default port: 8086)
  • Promtheus scrapes (Default port: 9772)


Install and run the exporter

  • Compile the Go code to create an njmon_exporter binary for your system.
  • Choose a Linux VM to host the exporter
  • Copy over the compiled binary to somewhere sane. E.g. /usr/local/bin/njmon_exporter
  • Copy the example njmon_exporter.yml file from the repository to your preferred configuration directory. E.g. /etc/prometheus/njmon_exporter.yml.
  • Test the exporter: /usr/local/bin/njmon_exporter --config /etc/prometheus/njmon_exporter.yml

Configure your prometheus.yml

  • Create a new section for njmon with content something like this:
- job_name: 'njmon'
      - targets:
          - <exporter_host>:9772
    scrape_interval: 60s
    honor_labels: true
  • Reload Prometheus to pick up the new config.

Configure njmon

  • njmon can be configured to run from a crontab entry. I find this ideal but YMMV.
  • Select a user account to run njmon from
  • Edit the crontab (crontab -e)
  • Insert a line like this: 4 * * * * /usr/local/bin/njmon -k -s 60 -i <exporter_host> -p 8086.
  • Run njmon to avoid waiting for crontab to start it /usr/local/bin/njmon -k -s 60 -i <exporter_host> -p 8086
  • Repeat this section for each AIX host you want to monitor

Instance Labels


The njmon_exporter includes a method for tagging incoming njmon sources by matching their hostname against a list defined in the njmon_exporter.yml config file. The concept came about following a need to identify specific hosts as Production vs. Non-Production.


The njmon_exporter.yml file contains a section titled instance_label. There are four required parameters in this section:-

  • label_name: The name of the label that will be appended to all host metrics (E.g. environment).
  • label_hit: The value to associate with label_name when a hostname match occurs (E.g. prod).
  • label_miss: The value to associate with label_name when an incoming hostname isn't matched (E.g. dev).
  • hit_instance: A list of incoming hostnames that will trigger label_name=label_hit.

Production vs. Development is just an example. Any label can be generated and populated based on a match (or no match) of the hit_instance list.