
Command Line Interface for Aliyun Log Service

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

User Guide

Documentation Status Pypi Version Travis CI Development Status Python version License



> pip install -U aliyun-log-cli

supported platforms:

  • windows
  • mac
  • linux

Supported Python:

  • Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy, PyPy3

Full Usage list:

> aliyun --help


1. aliyun log <subcommand> [parameters | global options]
2. aliyun configure <access_id> <access-key> <endpoint>
3. aliyun [--help | --version]

Access Key and Endpoint

Refer to Configuration to get the access ID/key and endpoints.

There're three ways to configure the access key and endpoint and they're prioritized as below:


  1. Parameters
> aliyun log create_project ..... --access-id=<value> --access-key=<value> --endpoint=<value>

Note: Any sub command support such way to overwrite the AK setings in later ways (env or config file) for the specific operations.

  1. Environment Variables
  1. Local configuration file

You could store them at ~/.aliyunlogcli, the default section name is main


You could use the command "configure" to store them directly.

> aliyun configure access_id access_key cn-beijing.log.aliyun.com

Multiple Account

  1. You could store multiple accounts for some use cases (e.g. test, multiple region operations)
> aliyun configure access_id1 access_key1 cn-beijing.log.aliyun.com
> aliyun configure access_id2 access_key2 cn-hangzhou.log.aliyun.com test

AK is stored as:


  1. Use specific account:

Any subcommand could use global opton --client-name=<value> to use specific configured account. e.g:

> aliyun log create_project ..... --client-name=test

It will use test to create the project.

In some case, we need to operate cross regions, e.g.

> aliyun log copy_project --from_project="p1" --to_project="p1" --to_client=test

It will use account main to copy project p1 in its region to another region under account test


  1. Normally case:
> aliyun log get_logs --request="{\"topic\": \"\", \"logstore\": \"logstore1\", \"project\": \"dlq-test-cli-123\", \"toTime\": \"123\", \"offset\": \"0\", \"query\": \"*\", \"line\": \"10\", \"fromTime\": \"123\", \"reverse\":\"false\"}"
  1. Input via file: You could store the content of one parameter into a file and pass it via the command line with prefix file://:
> aliyun log get_logs --request="file://./get_logs.json"

Parameter Validation

  • Mandatory check: if one mandatory parameter is missed, it will report error with usage info.
  • Format of parameter's value will be validated. e.g. 例如int, bool, string list, special data structure.
  • for boolean, it support:
    • true (case insensitive), T, 1
    • false (case insensitive), F, 0
  • String list support as:
    • ["s1", "s2"]


  1. For operations like Create, Update and Delete, there's no output except the exit code is 0 which means success.
  2. For operations like Get and List, it will output in json format.
  3. For errors, it will report in json format as below:

Filter output

It's supported to filter output via JMES:


> aliyun log get_logs ...

which outputs:

  "count": 3,
   "logstores": ["logstore3", "logstore1", "logstore2"],
   "total": 3

You could use below --jmse-filter to filter it:

> aliyun log get_logs ... --jmse-filter="logstores[2:]"

Then you will be the name list of second logstore and later ones as below:

["logstore1", "logstore2"]

Supported commands:

Normal Case

Actually, the CLI leverage aliyun-log-python-sdk, which maps the command into the methods of aliyun.log.LogClient. The parameters of command line is mapped to the parameters of methods. For the detail spec of parameters, please refer to the Python SDK API Spec


def create_logstore(self, project_name, logstore_name, ttl=2, shard_count=30):

Mapped to CLI:

> aliyun log create_logstore
Global options:

All the commands support below optional global options:


Full command list:


  • list_project

  • create_project

  • get_project

  • delete_project

  • copy_project

    • 复制所有源project的logstore, logtail, machine group和index配置等到目标project中.
> aliyun log copy_project --from_project="p1" --to_project="p1" --to_client="account2"
  • 注意: to_client是通过aliyun configure配置的其他账户, 也可以不传或传main同域复制.


  • create_logstore
  • delete_logstore
  • get_logstore
  • update_logstore
  • list_logstore
  • list_topics


  • list_shards
  • split_shard
  • merge_shard

machine group

  • create_machine_group
    • Format of partial parameter:
 "machine_list": [
 "machine_type": "userdefined",
 "group_name": "group_name2",
 "group_type": "Armory",
 "group_attribute": {
   "externalName": "ex name",
   "groupTopic": "topic x"
  • delete_machine_group
  • update_machine_group
  • get_machine_group
  • list_machine_group
  • list_machines

logtail config

  • create_logtail_config
    • Format of partial parameter:
 "config_name": "config_name2",
 "logstore_name": "logstore2",
 "file_pattern": "file_pattern",
 "time_format": "time_format",
 "log_path": "/log_path",
 "endpoint": "endpoint",
 "log_parse_regex": "xxx ([\\w\\-]+\\s[\\d\\:]+)\\s+(.*)",
 "log_begin_regex": "xxx.*",
 "reg_keys": [
 "topic_format": "none",
 "filter_keys": [
 "filter_keys_reg": [
 "logSample": "xxx 2017-11-11 11:11:11 hello alicloud."
  • update_logtail_config
  • delete_logtail_config
  • get_logtail_config
  • list_logtail_config

Machine group and Logtail Config Mapping

  • apply_config_to_machine_group
  • remove_config_to_machine_group
  • get_machine_group_applied_configs
  • get_config_applied_machine_groups


  • create_index
    • Format of partial parameter:
 "keys": {
   "f1": {
     "caseSensitive": false,
     "token": [
       " ",
     "type": "text",
     "doc_value": true
   "f2": {
     "doc_value": true,
     "type": "long"
 "storage": "pg",
 "ttl": 2,
 "index_mode": "v2",
 "line": {
   "caseSensitive": false,
   "token": [
     " ",
  • update_index
  • delete_index
  • get_index_config


  • get_cursor
  • get_cursor_time
  • get_previous_cursor_time
  • get_begin_cursor
  • get_end_cursor


  • put_logs
    • Format of parameter:
"project": "dlq-test-cli-35144",
"logstore": "logstore1",
"topic": "topic1",
"source": "source1",
"logtags": [
"hashKey": "1231231234",
"logitems": [
    "timestamp": 1510579341,
    "contents": [
    "timestamp": 1510579341,
    "contents": [
  • get_logs
    • Format of parameter:
"topic": "",
"logstore": "logstore1",
"project": "dlq-test-cli-35144",
"toTime": "1510582941",
"offset": "0",
"query": "*",
"line": "10",
"fromTime": "1510579341",
"reverse": "true"
  • get_histograms
  • pull_logs


  • create_shipper
    • Format of partial parameter:
"oss_bucket": "dlq-oss-test1",
"oss_prefix": "sls",
"oss_role_arn": "acs:ram::1234:role/aliyunlogdefaultrole",
"buffer_interval": 300,
"buffer_mb": 128,
"compress_type": "snappy"
  • update_shipper
  • delete_shipper
  • get_shipper_config
  • list_shipper
  • get_shipper_tasks
  • retry_shipper_tasks

consumer group

  • create_consumer_group
  • update_consumer_group
  • delete_consumer_group
  • list_consumer_group
  • update_check_point
  • get_check_point

Other resources

  1. Alicloud Log Service homepage:https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/log-service
  2. Alicloud Log Service doc:https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/product/28958.htm
  3. Alicloud Log Python SDK doc: http://aliyun-log-python-sdk.readthedocs.io/
  4. for any issues, please submit support tickets