
WIP wrapper for working with the Blue Alliance API in pandas

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Author: Wes Jordan

License: MIT

Latest Version: 0.1.1 (under heavy development)

Purpose: To serve as a wrapper for the The Blue Alliance API for use with the PyData statistical stack. (Eg. pandas, numpy, etc)


  • Import live data from The Blue Alliance API into pandas DataFrames.
  • Parallel multi-fetch for multi-part datasets (fetch the matches for an entire district, for example)
  • Team number and region normalization
  • Component OPR and EPR calculation via statsmodels.


  • Python 3.5 or greater.
  • Some version of pip installed (tested version is 9.0.1)


This package is available on PyPI, and can be installed via pip:

pip install tba-pydata


This project uses pipenv to manage development environments. To set up a development environment, install pipenv, and in the root of the project, run:

pipenv install
pipenv shell

This will create a virtual environment with the project's dependencies.