
Haskell Library for TheBlueAlliance API

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This library is a WIP toolset for using The Blue Alliance public API in Haskell. Working demos can be found in src/Main.hs.

Sample Usage

The following IO operation calculates a team's scoring average at an event and uses most of the features in this library:

import Lib (mean)

import TBA
import TBA.Match

import Control.Lens
import Network.Wreq (responseBody)

showTeamAverageScore :: IO()
showTeamAverageScore = do
    -- read config from stdin
    client <- createClient
    eventName <- ask "Enter event code: (e.g. 2019scmb)"
    teamKey <- askT "Enter team key: (e.g. frc254)"

    -- make api request
    matches <- tbaEventMatches eventName client

    -- access nested data and convert it to needed format
    let scores = matches ^.. responseBody . traverse . teamScore teamKey . totalPoints
    let scoresF = fromIntegral <$> scores

    -- print results
    putStrLn $ "Scores: " ++ (show scores)
    putStrLn $ "Total: " ++  (show $ sum scoresF)
    putStrLn $ "Average: " ++ (show $ mean scoresF)

Walking through this code, we note:

  • createClient automates the process of asking the user for a TBA Auth Code, reading in from stdin, and generating a TBAClient instance using tbaNew.
  • We get the event code and team key by using the ask and askT helper functions (see src/Main.hs).
  • We make the request using tbaEventMatches, which takes the event name and our client as parameters. This returns IO (Response [Match]), so we "pull out" the Response using the monadic arrow notation.
  • We then need to access the data inside the matches instance. To pull out this deeply nested info, we use the traverse operator (^..) from the lens library and a pipeline of lenses, giving us an interface similar to OOP. The lenses work thusly:
    • responseBody - gives us access to the parsed [Match] list inside our response object.
    • traverse - In combination with the traverse operator, this applies the following lenses to all of the matches in the list and concatenates the results into a list.
    • teamScore - accesses the MatchScoreBreakdown for the team key argument passed. If the team is not invovled is this match, it gets ignored in the traversal.
    • totalPoints - A plain 'getter' lens that accesses the totalPoints field in the breakdown object.
  • We convert the list of Ints we got from the last step into a list of Floats by mapping fromIntegral over the list.
  • We can then compute statistics for this list and print them to the console.

Supported Models

  • Match
    • MatchScoreBreakdown
      • 2018 and 2019 directly supported

Supported Requests

  • tbaDistrictMatches :: Int -> District -> TBARequest [Match]
  • tbaEventMatches :: String -> TBARequest [Match]
  • tbaSingleMatch :: String -> TBARequest Match