
A libev-based fiber scheduler for Ruby 3.0

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Ruby gem Tests MIT License

libev_scheduler is a libev-based fiber scheduler for Ruby 3.0 based on code extracted from Polyphony.


$ gem install libev_scheduler


Fiber.set_scheduler Libev::Scheduler.new

Fiber.schedule do

Also have a look at the included tests and examples.

The scheduler implementation

The present gem uses libev to provide a performant, cross-platform fiber scheduler implementation for Ruby 3.0. The bundled libev is version 4.33, which includes an (experimental) io_uring backend.

Some thoughts on the Ruby fiber scheduler interface

The fiber scheduler interface is a new feature in Ruby 3.0, aimed at facilitating building fiber-based concurrent applications in Ruby. The current specification includes methods for:

  • starting a non-blocking fiber
  • waiting for an IO instance to become ready for reading or writing
  • sleeping for a certain time duration
  • waiting for a process to terminate
  • otherwise pausing/resuming fibers (blocking/unblocking) for use with mutexes, condition variables, queues etc.

However, the current design has some shortcomings that will need to be addressed in order for this feature to become useful. Here are some of my thoughts on this subject. Please do not take this as an attack on the wonderful work of the Ruby core developers. Most probably I'm just some random guy being wrong on the internet :-p.

Two kinds of fibers

One of the changes made as part of the work on the fiber scheduler interface in Ruby 3.0 was to distinguish between two kinds of fibers: a normal, blocking fiber; and a non-blocking fiber, which can be used in conjunction with the fiber scheduler. While this was probably done for the sake of backward compatibility, I believe this is an error. It introduces ambiguity where previously there was none and makes the API more complex that it could have been.

It seems to me that a more logical solution to the problem of maintaining the blocking behaviour by default, would be have been to set the non-blocking mode at the level of the thread, instead of the fiber. That also would have allowed using the main fiber (of a given thread) in a non-blocking manner (see below).

Performing blocking operations on the main fiber

While I didn't scratch the surface too much in terms of the limits of the fiber scheduler interface, it looks pretty clear that the main fiber (in any thread) cannot be used in a non-blocking manner. While fiber scheduler implementations can in principle use Fiber#transfer to switch between fibers, which will allow pausing and resuming the main fiber, it does not seem as if the current design is really conductive to that. Again, as discussed above, this can lead to confusion.

Waiting for processes

The problem with the current design is that the #process_wait method is expected to return an instance of Process::Status. Unfortunately, this class cannot be instantiated, which leads to a workaround using a separate thread.

Another difficulty associated with this is that for example on libev, a child watcher can only be used on the default loop, which means only in the main thread, as the child watcher implementation is based on receiving SIGCHLD.

An alternative solution would be to use pidfd_open and watch the returned fd for readiness, but I don't know if this can be used on OSes other than linux.

While a cross-OS solution to the latter problem is potentially not too difficult, the former problem is a real show-stopper. One solution might be to change the API such that #process_wait returns an array containing the pid and its status, for example. This can then be used to instantiate a Process::Status object somewhere inside Process.wait.

On having multiple alternative fiber scheduler implementations

It is unclear to me that there is really a need for multiple fiber scheduler implementations. It seems to me that an approach using multiple backends selected according to the OS, is much more appropriate. It's not like there's going to be a dozen different implementations of fiber schedulers. Actually, libev fits really nicely here, since it already includes all those different backends.

Besides, the term "fiber scheduler" is a bit of a misnomer, since it doesn't really deal with scheduling fibers, but really with performing blocking operations in a fiber-aware manner. The scheduling part is in many ways trivial (i.e. the scheduler holds an array of fibers ready to run), but the performing of blocking operations is much more involved.

There is of course quite a bit of interaction between the scheduling part and the blocking operations part, but then again to me a more sensible design would have been to do everything related to scheduling inside of the Ruby core code, and then offload everything else to a BlockingOperationsBackend implementation. Here's what it might look like:

# example pseudo-code
class BlockingOperationsBackend
  def poll(opts = {})

  def io_wait(io, opts)
    fiber = Fiber.current
    watcher = setup_watcher_for_io(io) do


The fiber scheduling part would provide a Thread#schedule_fiber method that adds the given fiber to the thread's run queue, and the thread will know when to call the backend's #poll method in order to poll for blocking operation completions. For example:

# somewhere in Ruby's kischkas:
class Thread
  def schedule_fiber(fiber)
    @run_queue << fiber

  def run_fiber_scheduler
    @run_queue.each { |f| f.resume }

It seems to me this kind of design would be much easier to implement, and would lead to a lot less code duplication. This design could also be extended later to perform all kinds of blocking operations, such as reading/writing etc., as discussed above.

Finally, such a design could also provide a C API for people writing extensions, so they can rely on it whenever doing any blocking call.