This is a collection of resources that I have found helpful in learning R.
- download R
- download RStudio - interface for a more user-friendly R
- here - best practices in referencing files in projects
- readr - read in rectangular formats (e.g., csv)
- readxl - read in Excel formats
- haven - import and export SPSS, STATA, and SAS
- tribble - create tibbles with an easier to read row-by-row layout
- dplyr's join functions - includes for example left_join(), right_join(), inner_join(), full_join(), bind_rows(), bind_cols()
- dplyr - manipulate data (e.g., mutate, select, filter, summarize)
- tidyr - tidy messy data, reshaping data (e.g., pivoting data from wide to long or long to wide)
- tibble - includes for example add_row() and add_column()
- stringr - tools for working with character strings
- lubridate - tools for working with dates and times
- DataExplorer - has a great create_report() function; can also plot missing values with plot_missing()
- glimpse - take a glimpse at data frame
- skimr - quickly skim descriptive statistics of data
- lares - useful functions to learn about a data frame include freqs(), missingness(), and df_str()
- descriptive statistics - example of examining data numerically and visually
- summary - provides descriptives of data with summary() function
- hmisc - hmisc package has the describe() function to get statistical descriptions
- psych - psych package has the describe() function
- VIM - visualize missing data
- visdat - helps you visualise a dataframe, including missing data
- nanier - explore missing data structures
- with tidyverse - guide to visualizing missing data using ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr
- apaTables - export APA formatted tables from R to word
- broom - turns messy output of built-in functions in R (e.g., lm, t.test) into tidy tibbles
- dt - render data objects in R as HTML tables
- gt - create customized tables
- kable - very simple table generator for strictly rectangular data (e.g., matrices, data frames)
- pander - improve aesthetics of R outputs
- stargazer
- correlation
- corrgram
- corrr
- GGally - function ggpairs() creates a matrix of plots with dataset
- lares - useful functions include corr_cross() and corr_var()
- countrycode - use to standardize country names; contains 40 different coding themes
- ggplot2 - data visualization package
- ggplot2 extensions
- ggdist - visualizing distributions and uncertainty
- ggstatsplot - graphics that include details of statistical test
- lattice - multivariate plotting
- ggstatsplot - plots with statistical details
- ggpubr - publication ready plots
- raincloudplots - use for repeated measures visualizations; show slope change for individual scores temporally
- hrbrthemes - more themes for ggplot2
- colors in R - pdf of colors in R
- RColorBrewer - package offers palettes for qualitative and quantitative data
- palette_OkabeIto - color-blind friendly, categorical
- viz palette - helps pick colors for data visualizations
- color blindness simulator - test your data visualization with this color blindness simulator
- scico - color palettes
- viridis - color palettes
- pals - collection of color palettes
- paletteer - collection of color palettes
- color hex codes - help with color hex codes
- colorspace - helps to manipulate colors
- gghighlight
- highlight - post on how to highlight select data in ggplot
- extrafont - using fonts other than PostScript
- showtext - alternative to extrafont; can use google fonts
- patchwork - combine multiple plots in same visualization
- cowplot - arrange plots in grid
- gridExtra - lay out multiple plots
- choosing a chart - comparison, relationship, distribution, composition
- #TidyTuesday - weekly social data project in R for practicing tidying and visualizing data
- David Robinson - screencast
- TidyX - screencast
- the data visualization catalogue
- from data to viz
- data viz project
- visualization universe
- chart doctor
- R Markdown - markdown with embedded R chunks; used with knitr to create reports
- R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
- knitr - generating reports with R
- swirl - learn R in R
- Sara and Debbie's R tutorials
- An Introduction to Data Science
- Cookbook for R
- Data Visualization with R
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization
- Getting Used to R, RStudio, and R Markdown
- ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR
- Introduction to R for Social Scientists
- Just Enough R
- Learning Statistics with R
- Mastering Shiny
- ModernDive
- R for Data Science
- R for Psychological Science
- Text Mining with R: A Tidy Approach
- Toronto Data Workhop
- YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R
- Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics
- psych - descriptive and statistical analysis
- lavaan - latent variable analysis (e.g., SEM)
- likert - analyze and visualize likert type items
- lme4 - mixed-effects models
- GLM in R
- papaja - use R markdown to create APA journal articles
- stats - regression analysis, t tests and much more
- RStudio's list
- Association for Psychological Science (APS) list
- CRAN Task Views list of packages - lists packages on CRAN that are relevant for certain types of tasks
- 9 useful R data visualization packages list
- Top 50 ggplot2 visualizations list