A Discord bot for managing DKP (Raid Points) with additional slash commands for administration.
- DKP Management: Keep track of Raid Points for your guild members.
- Slash Commands: Utilize powerful slash commands for easy and efficient management.
- Parse logs: Input EQ /who logs to automatically add DKPs to all members participating in a raid.
Add DKP points to a player.
Add DKP points to a player.
View the DKP history for a specific player.
List players with their participation
List all players and their current DKP.
Parse DKP data from an EQ log (text) like:
[Sun Dec 10 18:48:16 2023] ---------------------------
[Sun Dec 10 18:48:16 2023] [50 Monk] SuperMonk (Human) <Super Guild>
[Sun Dec 10 18:48:16 2023] [47 Shaman] SlowsAndStuff (Troll) <Super Guild>
[Sun Dec 10 18:48:16 2023] [48 Mague] MoarPets (Dark Elf) <Super Guild>
[Sun Dec 10 18:48:16 2023] There are 3 players in Nagafen's Lair.
Associates a discord guild member with a character in the logs
Generates a downloable file with all your guild data in JSON format.
Sets the role that can add / remove DKPs only usable by discord admin