A companion site to learnhowtoprogram.com, a site built to be used during your time at the Epicodus coding boot camp.
Current & former Epicodus students who understand how difficult it can be to try and transition into a new field. We've been down this path and our hope is to make it a little easier for those coming behind us.
Write & submit content for the site! People of all abilities are welcome to step into the process of writing, editing, and maintaining the content for the site. We've done our best to help provide the information to make that easier a part of the site itself. You can find that section here.
If you're not comfortable opening a pull request, or submitting content directly then please open an issue for any typos, broken links, unclear sentences, or anything else you feel can make our site better.
Content on the site will either aim to reinforce concepts introduced by learnhowtoprogram.com, or expand beyond to those things that will make you a better developer.
The best way to reach someone about the site is either by opening an issue, starting a discussion, or joining our Discord server.
There is an error where if you have a code block with Windows line endings (CRLF) Zola will give you weird line numbers. getzola/zola#1590
The library that Zola uses to parse Markdown does not currently support definition lists. If you want to include a definition list you'll have to write it out with HTML. pulldown-cmark/pulldown-cmark#67
This is a discussion about description lists on the CommonMark forum. https://talk.commonmark.org/t/description-list/289