MUTE (MUon inTensity codE) is a computational tool for calculating atmospheric muon fluxes and intensities underground. It makes use of the state-of-the-art codes MCEq, to calculate surface fluxes, and PROPOSAL, to simulate the propagation of muons through rock and water.
MUTE can be installed via pip:
pip install mute
This will install most of the requirements, including MCEq.
In order to generate custom survival probability tensors, PROPOSAL should be installed. Because it requires compilation, it needs to be installed separately (see detailed installation instructions here):
pip install proposal==7.4.2
MUTE has been tested with PROPOSAL v7.4.2; earlier or later versions are not guaranteed to work. Environment set-up help for PROPOSAL installation on a Mac can be found here.
For a basic example and a detailed description of how to use MUTE, see the Tutorial. For further examples, see the examples.
Please cite
The current version of MUTE can be cited with the Zenodo DOI.
The citations for the models and propagation tools used by MUTE can be found in the MCEq and PROPOSAL documentation.
Anatoli Fedynitch and Marie-Cécile Piro
MUTE is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (see LICENSE).