
Primary LanguageJavaScript


wkt <input=string default="./template.js"> <output=string default="./">


See examples here



// Scope value is optional. It accepts "local" or "root" scope.
// Access to the boilerplate stack
stack(scope?:string='local') => Configure;
stack(scope?:string='local').add(key:string, callback?:Function)
stack(scope?:string='local').before(before:string, key?:string, callback?:Function)
stack(scope?:string='local').after(after:string, key?:string, callback?:Function)
stack(scope?:string='local').first(key:string, callback?:Function)
stack(scope?:string='local').last(key:string, callback?:Function)
// Scope value is optional. It accepts "local" or "root" scope.
// APIs methods from local boilerplate
// By defaults every methods of the local template are global.
api(scope?:string='local') => { [key:string]: Function };
// Scope value is optional. It accepts "local" or "root" scope.
// APIs methods from local boilerplate
// By defaults every methods of the local template are global.
store(scope:string='local') => { get: (key:string) => any, set: (key:string, value:any) => any };
store(scope:string='local').get(key:string) => any
store(scope:string='local').set(key:string, value:any) => any
// Get or set the root boilerplate destination path
output(str?: string | undefined) => string;


stack().add('hello', function() {
  store().set('message', 'Hello World')

stack().after('hello', function() {
  console.log( store.get('message') )

stack().after('bundle', function() {
  console.log('after bundle')

stack().before('bundle', function() {
  console.log('before bundle')

stack('root').before('bundle', function() {
  console.log('before root bundle')

stack('root').after('bundle', function() {
  console.log('after root bundle')

// => before root bundle
// => before bundle
// => after bundle
// => Hello World
// => after root bundle


By default, every files and directory relative to template.js are copied to the destination directory.

// Add a file/glob pattern to the destination tree
addFile(glob:string, parameters?:AssetItemRules);
// Ignore a file/glob pattern to the destination tree
ignoreFile(glob: string);
// Add a directory/glob pattern to the destination tree
addDirectory(glob:string, parameters?:AssetItemRules);
// Ignore a directory/glob pattern to the destination tree
ignoreDirectory(glob: string);
// Edit a file. Callback can return a string/buffer or a promise
editFile(glob: string, callback: (value: Buffer) => string|Buffer);



editFile('package.json', function(content) {
  const json = JSON.parse(content.toString('utf-8'))

  Object.assign(json.dependencies, {
    "asset-pipeline": "github:wk-js/asset-pipeline#1.0.0"

  return JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)


// Add file/glob pattern as a template
templateFile(glob: string, template?: object | boolean);
// Pass data to the templae renderer
templateData(data:object, options?: TemplateOptions);
 * Works like Configure.
 * See https://github.com/wk-js/wkt/blob/master/lib/api/template/chunk_stack.ts
chunk().add(key: string, chunk: string) => void;
chunk().before(bfore: string, key?: string, chunk?: string) => void;
chunk().after(after: string, key?: string, chunk?: string) => void;
chunk().first(key: string, chunk: string) => void;
chunk().last(key: string, chunk: string) => void;

Example : Chunk are useful to group data togethers

chunk().add('hello:buddy:john', 'Hello John')
chunk().add('hello:buddy:marc', 'Hello Marc')
chunk().before('hello:buddy:john', 'hello:world', 'Hello World')

console.log( chunk().get('hello:buddy') )
// =>
// Hello John
// Hello Marc

console.log( chunk().get('hello') )
// =>
// Hello World
// Hello John
// Hello Marc

console.log( chunk().order )
// => [ 'hello:world', 'hello:buddy:john', 'hello:buddy:marc' ]

Example : Template file

{%= chunk('hello:buddy') %}


// Get or create a macro
macro(key: string, ...args: any[]);


macro().set('hello', function() {
  console.log('Hello World')

macro('hello') // => Hello World

macro().set('hello', function(name) {
  name = name || 'World'
  console.log('Hello ' + name)

macro('hello', 'John') // => Hello John


// Execute a command asynchronously. Return a promise
exec(command: string, options?:any) : Promise
// Execute a command synchronously. Return process result
execSync(command: string, options?:any) : ProcessResult

Same options as spawn(), plus some shortcuts

  interactive: true,    // Set stdio to inherit
  printStdout: true,    // Print stdout
  printStderr: true,    // Print stderr
  rejectOnError: false  // Reject the promise on error



More precision here


// Ask a question. Answer yes or no.
ask(message: string, variable: string, options?: any) => Promise<boolean>;
// Ask a question. Answer anything.
prompt(message: string, variable: string, options?: any) => Promise<string>;
// Ask a question. Answer limited to a list of answsers.
choices(message: string, variable: string, list:string[], options?: any) => Promise<string>;
// Get the answer
answer(variable: string) => string | boolean;


stack().before('bundle', 'prompt', function() {
  return prompt('Project name:', 'project_name')

stack().after('bundle', 'prompt', function() {
  output(output() + '/' + answer('project_name'))


Load another boilerplate


name: my_boilerplate
  - github:wk-js/wkt-webt // An url or a repository or a repository with a branch/tag
  - ./skeleton/template.js
  - assets/template.js
  - bump
  - git
  - webpack
stack().after('bundle', function() {
  execSync('npm install')


Import custom api function


  - github:wk-js/wkt-api // An url or a repository or a repository with a branch/tag
  - my_custom_api.js // Or a file