
A converter between PyTorch and Caffe.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A converter between PyTorch and Caffe.


  • Parse PyTroch model
  • Auto-generate prototxt files used by Caffe
  • Convert a toy model (i.e. with only basic layers such as conv, relu and fc)
  • Add more options, such as whether using bias term
  • Convert AlexNet, VGGNet
  • Support BatchNorm Layer
  • Support more complicated structure (e.g. shortcut, inception)
  • Convert InceptionNet
  • Support different pre-processing (e.g. PyTorch will normalize/scale the intput image to [0, 1], while Caffe usually doesn't)
  • Convert ResNet-18/50/101
  • Manually-specified prototxt for wanted layer names
  • All Done