

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/indrikutis/FacialBiometrics.git
cd FacialBiometrics

Setup Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended)

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project tool frameworks


GitHub link to the repository:



  1. img_file_paths: "File_paths/file_paths.csv"
  2. output_filename = "DeepFace_analysis_results.xlsx"
  3. dataset_name = 'subjects_0-1999_72_imgs' - used for the results sheet to indicate the dataset
  4. image_sampling_rate = 0.7


  1. Age
  2. Gender: Male, Female
  3. Race: asian, white, middle eastern, indian, latino and black
  4. Emotion : angry, fear, neutral, sad, disgust, happy and surprise

Backend models:

  1. opencv
  2. ssd
  3. dlib
  4. mtcnn
  5. retinaface
  6. mediapipe
  7. yolov8
  8. yunet
  9. fastmtcnn


GitHub link to the repository:


The model extracts aligned faces from the image and saves to detected_faces folder.


  1. img_file_paths: "File_paths/file_paths.csv"
  2. output_filename = "DeepFace_analysis_results.xlsx"
  3. dataset_name = 'subjects_0-1999_72_imgs' - used for the results sheet to indicate the dataset
  4. image_sampling_rate = 0.7


  1. Age group: 0-2, 3-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+
  2. Gender: Male, Female
  3. Race7: White, Black, Latino_Hispanic, East, Southeast Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern
  4. Race4: White, Black, Asian and Indian


The models and scripts were tested on a device with 8Gb GPU, it takes under 2 seconds to predict the 5 images in the test folder.

Project datasets


Face attribute extration dataset.

Attributes are stored in the file name: [age]_ [gender]_ [race]_[date&time].jpg


  1. Age: 0 to 116
  2. Gender: 0 (male) or 1 (female)
  3. Race: integer from 0 to 4, denoting White, Black, Asian, Indian, and Others (like Hispanic, Latino, Middle Eastern).
  4. Date and time:m in the format of yyyymmddHHMMSSFFF, showing the date and time an image was collected to UTKFace
  5. Single image per person


Age estimation, face recognition and verification dataset.


  1. Age (with the age gap up to 45 years)
  2. Several images per person


Face recognition and verification dataset.


  1. Several images per person

Running the tool

Generating file paths

The script takes a directory path and generates a .csv file with one column 'Image Paths', containing the full paths of all images found within the directory to be analyzed.

  • Results Folder: The folder where the prepared dataset and associated files will be stored. Example: "File_paths"
  • Root Directory Path: The root directory path containing the raw images of the dataset. Example: "C:/path/to/dataset"
  • CSV Filename: The name of the CSV file where the dataset information will be saved. Example: "File_paths/lfw_all_subset_photos.csv"
python "Tool scripts\Generate_file_paths.py"

Deepface framework

Deepface framework to extract the facial attributes.

  • Image File Paths: The file containing the paths to the images in the dataset. Example: "File_paths/lfw_all_subset_photos.csv"
  • Output Filename: The name of the Excel file where the analysis results will be saved. Example: "DeepFace_analysis_results_lfw_all_subset_photos_1_sampling.xlsx"
  • Dataset Name: A unique identifier for the dataset being analyzed. Example: "lfw_all_subset_photos"
  • Image Sampling Rate: The rate at which images are sampled during the analysis. Example: 0.3
python "Tool scripts\Deepface.py"

Fairface framework

Fairface framework to extract the facial attributes.

  • Input CSV: The CSV file containing information about the dataset. Example: "File_paths/lfw_all_subset_photos.csv"
  • Dataset Name: A unique identifier for the dataset being analyzed. Example: "lfw_all_subset_photos"
  • Output Filename: The name of the Excel file where the analysis results will be saved. Example: "FairFace_analysis_results_1_lfw_all_subset_photos.xlsx"
  • Image Sampling Rate: The rate at which images are sampled during the analysis. Example: 1
python "Tool scripts\Fairface.py"

Generate dataset info for tool analysis


Generates UTKFace dataset info file with image_name, age, gender, race.

  • Dataset Path: The path to the UTKFace dataset. Example: "C:/path/to/UTKFace_dataset"
  • Output Excel Path: The path and filename for the Excel file where the dataset information will be saved. Example: "Dataset_info/UTKFace_dataset_info.xlsx"
python "Tool scripts\UTKFace.py"


Generates UTKFace dataset info file with image_name, age.

  • Dataset Path: The path to the FGNET dataset. Example: "C:/path/to/FGNET_dataset"
  • Output Excel Path (Dataset Info): The path and filename for the Excel file where the dataset information will be saved. Example: "Dataset_info/FGNET_dataset_info.xlsx"
  • Output CSV Path (Image Pairs): The path and filename for the CSV file containing image pairs. Example: "FGNET_image_pairs.csv"
python "Tool scripts\FGNET.py"

Tool analysis

Merges the results of the FairFace analysis and the UTKFace dataset information in order to output the age, gender, race accuracies and demographic distributions. NOTE: FGNET dataset does not have model predictions by race since it only encodes the age

  • FairFace Analysis Results File Path: The path to the FairFace analysis results Excel file. Example: "Tool_results/FairFace_analysis_results_UTKFace_all.xlsx"
  • UTKFace Dataset Info File Path: The path to the UTKFace dataset information Excel file. Example: "Dataset_info/UTKFace_dataset_info.xlsx"
  • Merged Results File Name: The name of the Excel file where the merged results will be saved. Example: "UTKFace_FairFace_merged_results_1.xlsx"
  • Age Range for Analysis: The specified age range for the analysis. Example: 5
  • Analysis Tool Used: The tool used for the analysis (e.g., 'FairFace', 'DeepFace'). Example: 'FairFace'

Face verification

Generating file pairs

Face verification and recognition requires generating image pairs. All the generates pairs are of the true correct pairs by matching every image with every other image from the same subsets.

  • Root Folder: The root folder containing the LFW Subset dataset. Example: "C:/path/to/lfw_dataset"
  • Folder Name for Output: The folder where the generated CSV file will be stored. Example: "File_paths"
  • CSV File Path: The path and filename for the CSV file containing image pairs. Example: "image_pairs_lfw_subset.csv"

Deepface framework performs face recognition verification on pairs of images from the LFW and FGNET datasets and saves the results in an Excel file.

  • Root Folder for Results: The root folder where the results will be stored. Example: "Face_recognition_results/"
  • CSV File Path for Image Pairs: The path to the CSV file containing pairs of images. Example: "File_paths/image_pairs_lfw_subset.csv"
  • Sampling Rate: The rate at which image pairs are sampled during the verification. Example: 1
  • Excel File Path for Results: The path and filename for the Excel file where the verification results will be saved. Example: "Face_recognition_results/verification_results_lfw_subset_1_sampling.csv"
python Face_recognition_scripts/Generate_image_pairs.py

Face recognition

Face recognition is performed on the set of image pairs generated in the step before.

  • Source Path: The path to the original LFW dataset. Example: C:/path/to/lfw_dataset
  • Destination Path: The path where the image subset will be stored. Example: C:/path/to/lfw_dataset_subset/
  • Maximum Total Images to Copy: The maximum total number of images to copy to the subset. Example: 500
  • Database Path for Face Recognition: The path to the database for face recognition. Example: C:/path/to/lfw_all_subset_photos
  • Model Name for Face Recognition: The name of the face recognition model to be used. Example: VGG-Face
  • Output CSV Path for Face Recognition Results: The path and filename for the CSV file where face recognition results will be saved. Example: Face_recognition_results/face_recognition_results_FGNET.csv
  • Accuracy CSV Path: The path and filename for the CSV file where face recognition accuracy will be saved. Example: Face_recognition_results/face_recognition_accuracy_lfw_th_0.7_subset.csv
python Face_recognition_scripts/Face_recognition.py

Bias analysis

  • Attribute File Path: The path to the attribute analysis data file. Example: "Tool_results/FairFace_analysis_results_1_lfw_all_subset_photos.xlsx"
  • Verification Results Path: The path to the CSV file containing face recognition verification results. Example: "Face_recognition_results/verification_results_lfw_subset_1_sampling.csv"
  • Merged Dataframe Path: The path and filename for the CSV file where the merged results will be saved. Example: "Bias_analysis_results/Fairface_bias_analysis_results_1_lfw_all_subset_photos.csv"
python Bias_assessment.py