
Pargo track trace api server

Primary LanguageC#

Pargo Track & Trace .NET Core Web API

This .NET Core Web API is designed to provide package tracking information based on a waybill number. The API has a single GET request that accepts a waybill number as a query parameter and returns the package history associated with that waybill number.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code .NET SDK

Clone the Repository

To get started, clone the PargoTrackTrace repository to your local machine using the following command:

bash Copy code git clone -b master https://github.com/wkapenda/pargoAPI.git Navigate to the project directory:

bash Copy code cd paragoTrackTrace/server_track_trace Run the API Open the solution in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code.

https://github.com/wkapenda/pargoAPI.gitBuild the solution to restore dependencies:

bash Copy code dotnet build Run the API:

bash Copy code dotnet run This will start the API, and you should see output indicating that the application is listening on a specific port (usually, it's http://localhost:5000).

Open your web browser or a tool like Postman and navigate to:

plaintext Copy code http://localhost:5000/api/package?waybillNumber=PGO1234567 Replace PGO1234567 with the desired waybill number.

You should receive a JSON response containing the package history associated with the provided waybill number.

API Usage

The API supports a single endpoint:

GET /api/package Parameters: waybillNumber (required): The waybill number to retrieve package history. Example: Request: plaintext Copy code http://localhost:5000/api/package?waybillNumber=PGO1234567 Response: json Copy code [ { "status": "In transit", "date": "2023-01-01T10:00:00Z", "location": "Sample Location 1" }, { "status": "Arrived at facility", "date": "2023-01-02T08:30:00Z", "location": "Sample Location 2" }, // ... additional history entries ]


The waybill numbers are hardcoded in the API for demonstration purposes. You can modify the DummyPackageHistories list in the PackageController to include your specific waybill numbers and associated package history.

This API is a simple demonstration and doesn't include authentication, authorization, or a database. In a production scenario, consider implementing proper security measures and storing data in a database.