
not able to visualize overlapping objects(bounding boxes)

suyogkute opened this issue · 4 comments

not able to visualize overlapping objects(bounding boxes)

Could you share how to reproduce?

maskviz_1 = imgviz.instances2rgb(img, masks= np.moveaxis(out[0]["masks"],-1,0), labels=out[0]["class_ids"], captions=np.array(["double_stitch_0.98","textured_panel_0.91","short_heel_0.86"]))

if you see the first label is not visualized, I guess its overlapping for sure. let me know if I am wrong


@suyogkute I don't think they are overlapping since we should be able to tell that by the mask or bounding box. (Or are these exactly the same mask?)

Closing for now. Please reopen if it reproduces.