
progress journal for spring 2015 wmcn.fm development

api repo


priority items notes
ASAP -add timeslot selector to show approval page finished!
- add password reset should be easy, doable by the end of the week
- display show schedule on homepage almost complete, but has been tricky/overly sluggish; maybe change to only displaying show titles, AJAXing remaining info onclick?
MVP for revamped site - plan, write new API documentation and database scheme already started - done in 2 weeks?
- build API maybe split into two steps - pseudocode, then implementation?
- rewrite current routes with new API methods viewing user(s), show(s), playlist(s), review/news/post(s), about, schedule, login/out, dj applications, staff applications; posting playlist, review, news, post; apply for a show/staff position; edit current user/show information
- implement GUI for admin "meta" portal add ability to flush dj applications; add ability to create a new "semester", de-activating all current users and shows; add ability to turn application on/off; add ability to update static text through an interface rather than redeploying code; add ability to mongodump list of all users to csv through a GUI rather than command line
- add page sidebars upcoming shows, new playlists, most-read reviews, etc; also add ability to edit these lists through an interface
clean up CSS - modularize, adjust padding, etc
clean up deploy methods
redeploy on non-personal cloud droplet
Hopeful additions to new site - select shows from blank schedule displaying their availability
- playlist XML-input autofill + typeahead suggestions
- add ability to sift through artist/song stats maybe create a separate module that takes a snapshot of the artist coll every week/day, allowing for line graphs?
- add cool landing page visual feature & 404 page toggling "wmcn 91.7" colors onhover? make it parallax?


date tasks to be completed:
2/17 all ASAP to-do items; front-end use sketches to clarify API needs; continued progress on API docs
2/24 partial api docs
3/3 entire API documentation, database schema, and sitemap
3/10 entire API
3/17 spring break
3/24 rewritten GET-based html routes: i.e., viewing users, shows, playlists, news
3/31 all html routes
4/7 first 2 items from admin GUI to-do
4/14 all admin GUI to-do
4/21 add page sidebars
4/28 modularize CSS, fix deploy methods; redeploy
5/5 work on cool new additions if time allows