
Final project for CS 520: Theory Of Software Engineering

Primary LanguageJavaScript

EleNa: Elevation-based Navigation

Most traditional navigation apps aim to provide users with routes that prioritize shortest distance and/or time. However, for walkers and bikers, for whom elevation changes are important, this is not ideal. EleNa aims to remedy this by providing a route that prioritizes elevation changes at different user-selected intervals.

Picture of EleNa application

Demo site

Our completed implementation can be found at http://elena-fear-and-loathing-in-520.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/

  • DO NOT send more than one request at a time. The EC2 instance this is running on takes a little while to process, and it doesn't have the ram/cpu to run multiple querries and as such will break if given more than one request at a time.

NOTE: Due to hosting costs, this site will only be hosted through May 2020.

Running EleNa locally


The React-based front-end can be found in elena1/. From there, you can start the development server or build the production build yourself. See elena1/README.md for more information.

  • NOTE: The front-end currently GETs the route data from our AWS server. You will need to change the URL in Query/index.js for the front-end to function properly.


The Python-based back-end can be found in backend/. After installing the dependencies, you can run Server.py to start the server. You can run tests by running tests.py.


  • Due to server and OpenStreetMaps API limitations, the map can only rout southwestern Boston, Massachussetts (roughly between South Station and the Franklin Park Zoo) at this time.

  • As mentioned above, the server can take up to 11 seconds to process a request. Sending multiple requests will crash the server.


Written for CS 520: Theory of Software Engineering (Spring 2020)

  • Alex Vukovic - Back-end, Testing, Meme Dealer - Alex Vukovic

  • Anna Belander Schneider - Front-end, AWS Administration, Server Healer - Annabel Schneider

  • Coleander Smith - Do-It-All, Integration, Fearless Leader - Cole Smith

  • Willander Hammond - Front-end, Documentation, Pun Weaver - Will Hammond