
An operator to manage Cincinnati, the update graph service

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This operator is developed using the operator SDK, version 1.9.0. Installation docs are here.

Run locally

To run locally, you must set the operand image as shown below.

export RELATED_IMAGE_OPERAND="quay.io/app-sre/cincinnati:2873c6b"
operator-sdk run --local

Using an init container to load graph data

The UpdateService graph data is loaded from an init container. Before deploying the update-service-operator, you will need to build and push an init container containing the graph data.

Deploy operator

make deploy

By default, operator will be deployed using the default operator image quay.io/updateservice/update-service-operator:latest. If you want to override the default operator image with your image, set

export RELATED_IMAGE_OPERATOR="your-registry/your-repo/your-update-service-opertor-image:tag"

Run functional tests

make func-test

To run the functional testcases locally, you must set below environment variables as shown below along with optional RELATED_IMAGE_OPERAND and RELATED_IMAGE_OPERATOR.

export KUBECONFIG="path-for-kubeconfig-file"
export GRAPH_DATA_IMAGE="your-registry/your-repo/your-init-container:tag"

Run unit tests

make unit-test

Generating OLM manifests

Here are the steps to generate the operator-framework manifests in the bundle format

  • Set the VERSION value in the shell
  • Set the IMG value pointing to the OSUS operator which should be part of the operator bundle.
  • Run make bundle.


make bundle
