[..] HIPE Hiearchic Image Processing Engine
Three watchwords into our world : TO BE A FAST, SCALABLE and RESPONSIVE software for Computer Vision...
HIPE is a standalone software as service centralazing all of ours knowledges and using several skills in ANEO like HPC/HTC, HPDA, BIG-DATA and of course Computer vision.
We are convinced that all work can be reusable in a large variety of project and can be profitable to share our knowledge for your project as well as to help team interaction within your software development.
[..] # What are you talking about ?
The concept is to build an algorithm graph to compose your need as you wish and where the nodes represent our work, yours or external algorithm.
[..]Simple model conception
[..]Demo Devoxx 2018 Paris : Facial recognition
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Video Demo
- 2.1 Requierements
- 2.2 for Windows x86-64bits
- 2.3 for Linux x86-64bits
- 3.1 Build HIPE CORE
- 3.2 Build HIPE MODULES
- 4.1 How to run
- 4.2 How to test
- 4.3 How to develop
Please follow the guideline to install all prerequistes dependencies in the requierements page
Coming soon
Coming soon
Please follow this step to build the HIPE Core how-to-build before to build any modules
Please follow this step to build the HIPE Modules how-to-build
If you want test HIPE and a simple Computer vision application. Please follow this step to execute a process how-to-run
Coming soon...
If you want develop in HIPE. Please follow this tutorial to implement new node and data processing. how to develop