
React framework running off Webpack 4, Redux, SCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack 4 Static HTML webpack boilerplate

Start DEV environment

npm run start

Build Production Version

npm run build

Deploy Staging Build to S3

npm run deploy-staging

Deploy Production Build to S3

npm run deploy-production

Project Structure

src - Where the working files are

build - Contains production & deployment build assets, gets cleaned up on every build/deploy command do not edit the files here

Webpack config structure

webpack.common.js - Contains all core essential configurations that are needed in both dev and prod environments

webpack.dev.js - Merges with webpack.common.js, contains dev environment configuration

webpack.prod.js - Merges with webpack.common.js, contains production environment configuration

webpack.deploy.js - Merges with webpack.prod.js, contains only deployment(both staging & production) configuration