Natural Language Processing in GO
This is a partial port of Freeling 3.1 (
License is GPL to respect the License model of Freeling.
This is the list of features already implemented:
- Text tokenization
- Sentence splitting
- Morphological analysis
- Suffix treatment, retokenization of clitic pronouns
- Flexible multiword recognition
- Contraction splitting
- Probabilistic prediction of unknown word categories
- Named entity detection
- PoS tagging
- Chart-based shallow parsing
- Named entity classification (With an external library MITIE -
- Rule-based dependency parsing
How to use it:
go build gofreeling.go
(http server listens on default port 9999 - port can be changed in conf/gofreeling.toml file)
To process a page:
HTTP GET: http://localhost:9999/analyzer?url=COPY HERE AN URL
Response is a self-explaining json
Notes For Spanish
regex for 'alnum' in golang is for ascii characters only and do not work with with special characters. This means the default tokenizer file will break words like español into espa ñ ol. To avoid this, replace instances of alnum with \p{L}\d_
- clean code
- add comments
- add tests
- implement WordNet-based sense annotation and disambiguation
Linguistic Data to run the server can be download here (English only):