
CosSIF: Cosine Similarity-based Image Filtering

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CosSIF: Cosine Similarity-based Image Filtering

This is the official code for our CosSIF: Cosine similarity-based image filtering to overcome low inter-class variation in synthetic medical image datasets paper.

Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 172, April 2024, 108317


1. Specification of dependencies

This code requires two separate conda environments. Run the following to install the required packages on Windows.

cd environments/
conda env create -f csf-ovs.yml
conda env create -f csf-model.yml

The following notebooks require the csf-ovs environment to be activated.

|-- HAM10000/
|---- HAM10000_filtering/
|------ HAM10000_FAGT.ipynb
|------ HAM10000_FBGT.ipynb
|---- HAM10000_GAN_train.ipynb
|---- HAM10000_augment_ds.ipynb
|---- HAM10000_oversampling.ipynb
|---- HAM10000_pre-processing.ipynb
|-- ISIC-2016/
|---- ISIC-2016_filtering/
|------ ISIC-2016_FAGT.ipynb
|------ ISIC-2016_FBGT.ipynb
|---- ISIC-2016_GAN_train.ipynb
|---- ISIC-2016_augment_ds.ipynb
|---- ISIC-2016_oversampling.ipynb
|---- ISIC-2016_pre-processing.ipynb

Run the following to activate the csf-ovs environment.

conda activate csf-ovs

The rest of the notebooks require the csf-model environment to be activated. Run the following to activate the csf-model environment.

conda activate csf-model

The conda environments can also be setup manually. Install the packages mentioned packages.txt file.

Install Visual Studio 2019 along with the following workloads:

  • Desktop development with C++
  • Universal Windows Platform development

2a. Datasets

Download and extract the HAM10000 and ISIC-2016 (Task-3) datasets, along with their associated ground truth files. Then, create a folder named datasets in the root directory and organize the folders and ground truth files in the following order:

|-- HAM10000/
|---- downloads/
|------ HAM10000_images/
|------ HAM10000_metadata.csv
|-- ISIC-2016/
|---- downloads/
|------ ISBI2016_ISIC_Part3_Training_Data/
|------ ISBI2016_ISIC_Part3_Test_Data/

Note that you may need to rename the file and folder names as required.

2b. Pre-processing

To begin the pre-processing, run the following scripts associated with each dataset:


2c. Oversampling & filtering

For oversampling, run the following scripts associated with each dataset:


During the execution of the oversampling scripts, there comes a certain point where it becomes necessary to also execute the filtering and GAN training scripts.

For filtering, run the following scripts associated with each dataset:


For GAN training, run the following scripts associated with each dataset on Kaggle:


Note that the saving of the trained GANs on Kaggle must be conducted manually. The details are provided on the scripts and must be followed accordingly.

2d. Dataset Augmentation

To achieve the final augmented datasets associated with each different experiment, run the following codes.


2e. Training Models

To train the models on the oversampled ISIC-2016 dataset and its filtered variants, navigate to the following directory and run the scripts.

|-- ISIC-2016/
|---- ISIC-2016_model_train/
|------ ConvNeXt/
|------ Swin-Transformer/
|------ ViT/

To train the models on the oversampled HAM10000 dataset and its filtered variants, navigate to the following directory and upload the scripts on Kaggle along with its corresponding variants of the dataset.

|-- HAM10000/
|---- HAM10000_model_train/
|------ ConvNeXt/
|------ Swin-Transformer/
|------ ViT/

Note that the saving of the trained models on Kaggle must be conducted manually. The details are provided on the scripts and must be followed accordingly.

2f. Performance evaluation

The performance evaluation of all our pre-trained models can be done anytime, provided that the models reside in the following folder order.

|-- HAM10000/
|---- ConvNeXt/
|------ ham10000-convnext-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ham10000-convnext-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ham10000-convnext-no-filtering
|---- Swin-Transformer/
|------ ham10000-swin-fagt-alpha-1
|------ ham10000-swin-fagt-alpha-2
|------ ham10000-swin-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ham10000-swin-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ham10000-swin-fbgt-alpha-2
|------ ham10000-swin-fbgt-alpha-3
|------ ham10000-swin-no-filtering
|---- ViT/
|------ ham10000-vit-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ham10000-vit-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ham10000-vit-no-filtering
|-- ISIC-2016/
|---- ConvNeXt/
|------ ISIC-2016-convnext-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ISIC-2016-convnext-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ISIC-2016-convnext-no-filtering
|---- Swin-Transformer/
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fagt-alpha-1
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fagt-alpha-2
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fbgt-alpha-2
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-fbgt-alpha-3
|------ ISIC-2016-swin-no-filtering
|---- ViT/
|------ ISIC-2016-vit-fagt-alpha-3
|------ ISIC-2016-vit-fbgt-alpha-1
|------ ISIC-2016-vit-no-filtering

To evaluate the performance of all trained models on the oversampled ISIC-2016 dataset and its variants, run the following script:


To evaluate the performance of all trained models on the oversampled HAM10000 dataset and its variants, run the following script:


3. Pre-trained models

We provide our pre-trained models on GitHub Releases for reproducibility. Below are the best-performing pre-trained models.

Dataset Model Filtering Sensitivity (%) False Negative Download
ISIC-2016 ViT FAGT (α = 0.75) 72.00 21 download
Dataset Model Filtering Accuracy (%) F1-score (%) Download
HAM10000 ConvNeXt FAGT (α = 0.85) 94.44 84.06 download

4. Demo

We offer CosSIF as an end-to-end module, available on PyPI. To implement this filtering method, kindly adhere to the subsequent instructions:

Suppose we are presented with two categories of skin lesions: benign and malignant. Our objective is to sift out benign images that bear resemblance to malignant ones, and similarly, malignant images that bear resemblance to benign ones.

from cossif import cossif
csf = cossif.CosSIF()
# Filter benign images
    target_path=cls_benign,              # Path to the folder that contains benign images.
    secondary_path=cls_malignant,        # Path to the folder that contains malignant images.
    filtered_path=cls_benign_filtered,   # Path to the folder that will contain filtered benign images.
    removed_path=cls_benign_removed,     # Path to the folder that will contain removed benign images.
    record_save_path=save_path,          # Save path of the similarity calculation record.
    record_keep=False,                   # Chose whether to keep the similarity calculation record or not.
    file_name='t_benign_x_s_malignant',  # Name of the similarity calculation record file.
    filter_type='dissimilar',            # Type of filtering. Can be either "similar" or "dissimilar".
    filter_range=0.85,                   # The filtering ratio. A value of 0.85 means that 15% of the images will be removed.




# Filter malignant images
    target_path = cls_malignant,
    secondary_path = cls_benign,
    record_save_path = save_path,
    file_name = 't_malignant_x_s_benign',
    filter_type = 'similar',
    filter_range = 0.85,




5. Citation


This code base is built on top of the following repositories:

This code utilizes the following models for fine-tuning:

5. License