This gem adds the capability of validating URLs to ActiveRecord and ActiveModel (Rails 3).
# add this to your Gemfile
gem "validate_url"
# and run
sudo gem install validate_url
class Pony < ActiveRecord::Base
# standard validation
validates :homepage, :url => true
# with allow_nil
validates :homepage, :url => {:allow_nil => true}
# with allow_blank
validates :homepage, :url => {:allow_blank => true}
class Unicorn
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :homepage
# with legacy syntax (the syntax above works also)
validates_url :homepage, :allow_blank => true
The default error message is not valid url
You can pass the :message => "my custom error"
option to your validation to define your own, custom message.
Big thanks to Tanel Suurhans, Tarmo Lehtpuu, Steve Smith and all the contributors! We appreciate all your work on new features and bugfixes.
Validates URL is created and maintained by PerfectLine, LLC.
Validates URL is Copyright © 2010-2014 PerfectLine, LLC. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.