
Mutation analyses in Neurospora genome

Primary LanguagePerl

Scripts and pipelines for mutation analyses in Neurspora crassa



  • R scripts for analysis of relationships between predictor variables and mutation rate across taxa (contributed by Laurence D. Hurst)


  • Perl scripts to search for interspersed homology (contributed by Huawei Tan)


  • Perl scripts for mutation simulation (i.e., generating synthetic mutations)
  • An example from preprocessing to mutation calling could be found in Simulation Step 4~6


  • Steps to detect spontaneous duplicates using Delly



Detect mutations in parent-tetrad/ascus samples

  • Usage:

      detect_tetrad_mutations.pl -v variants.vcf -g sample_groups.txt --min-supp-depth 5 mut.vcf
  • Options:

      -v, --vcf     <filename>
          input vcf file, required
      Note: This script is designed to process vcf files with AD (Allele Depth) field for each sample
      -o, --output  <filename>
          output filename, default to STDOUT
      -q, --quality     <float>
          loci with quality smaller than this value will filtered
      -g, --group-file  <file>
          file contain group infos of each sample, each sample per line, e.g.
          sample1 group1
          sample2 group1
          sample3 group2
          set this option to screen group-specific mutation, only samples belong
          to different groups would be used as compare samples
      --min-supp-depth  <int>
          minimum number of supporting reads, for multiple samples carry the same
          mutation, only one need to pass this criterion [default: 1]