
An open-source framework for design automation of Field-coupled Nanotechnologies.

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fiction – Design Automation for Field-coupled Nanotechnologies

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This code base provides a C++17 framework for field-coupled technology-independent open nanocomputing developed as part of the Munich Nanotech Toolkit (MNT) by the Chair for Design Automation at the Technical University of Munich. Within fiction, algorithms for logic synthesis, placement, routing, clocking, verification, and simulation for Field-coupled Nanocomputing (FCN) technologies are implemented.

To this end, most physical design tasks can be performed on generic data structures that abstract from particular technology or cell design. Using an extensible set of gate libraries, technologies, and cell types, these can easily be compiled down to any desired FCN technology for physical simulation.

For these use cases, fiction provides a header-only library that provides data types and algorithms for recurring tasks, e.g., logic network and layout types on different abstraction levels, clocking schemes, gate libraries, design automation algorithms, etc. Additionally, fiction comes with an ABC-like CLI tool that allows quick access to its core functionality.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via fcn.cda@xcit.tum.de or by creating an issue on GitHub.

Quick Start

Clone the repository and its submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/cda-tum/fiction.git


Inside the newly cloned fiction folder, trigger the build process:

cmake . -B build
cd build
cmake --build . -j4

Run the CLI tool:


Here is an example of running fiction to perform a full physical design flow on a QCA circuit layout that can afterward be simulated in QCADesigner:

CLI example

The Header-only Library

Add fiction as a sub-directory to your CMake project and link against libfiction (assuming your project is called fanfiction):

target_link_libraries(fanfiction libfiction)

Include the headers you need:

#include <fiction/layouts/cell_level_layout.hpp>
#include <fiction/layouts/clocking_scheme.hpp>
#include <fiction/technology/qca_one_library.hpp>
#include <fiction/io/write_qca_layout.hpp>
#include <fiction/...>

For a full getting started guide, please refer to the documentation.

Supported Technologies

Physical design in fiction can be performed technology-independent. Only if resulted layouts are to be physically, simulated, a specific technology implementation is required. To this end, fiction supports various potential FCN implementations together with gate libraries to compile gate-level layout abstractions down to the cell level. Additionally, output formats for external physical simulator engines are also supported.

Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA)

QCA cells

Gate libraries:

File formats:

Many thanks to Frank Sill Torres for his support with the QCADesigner format, to Willem Lambooy for his support with the QCA-STACK format, and to Sophia Kuhn for implementing the SVG writer!

in-plane Nanomagnet Logic (iNML)

iNML cells

Gate libraries:

File formats:

Many thanks to Umberto Garlando, Fabrizio Riente, and Giuliana Beretta for their support!

Silicon Dangling Bonds (SiDBs)

SiDB cells

Gate libraries:

File formats:

Many thanks to Samuel Sze Hang Ng for his support!

Implemented Design Automation Algorithms

The fiction framework provides implementations of state-of-the-art design automation algorithms for FCN technologies. These algorithms can be used in evaluation scripts to perform logic synthesis, physical design, layout verification, and physical simulation.

Logic Synthesis

For logic synthesis, fiction relies on the mockturtle library that offers a multitude of logic network types and optimization algorithms. Logic synthesis can be performed in external tools and resulting Verilog/AIGER/BLIF/... files can be parsed by fiction. Alternatively, since mockturtle is included in fiction, synthesis can be applied in the same evaluation script.

Physical Design

For automatic FCN layout obtainment, fiction provides algorithms that receive mockturtle logic networks as input specification and output placed, routed, and clocked generic FCN circuits.

QCA Layout

Among these algorithms are

plus several path-finding algorithms that work on generic layouts:


Layout correctness can be validated using

Physical Simulation

When a layout is compiled to the cell level via the application of a technology-dependent gate library, it can be simulated using a physical model. Currently, the following simulation algorithms are implemented in fiction:

Clocking Schemes

Regular clocking schemes have been proposed in the FCN literature, which can be used as a floor plans for physical design. However, sometimes it can make sense to have more freedom and assign clock numbers on the fly. That is why fiction supports both regular and irregular clocking schemes with variable amounts of clock numbers as QCA for instance uses four clock phases but iNML needs only three.

Built-in schemes are

Columnar Row 2DDWave
Columnar Row 2DDWave

plus the mentioned irregular open clocking that works via a clock map instead of a regular extrapolated cutout.

Wire Crossings

Second layer crossing

With many FCN technologies considered planar, wire crossings should be minimized if possible. However, there are some options in QCA where, using a second layer, crossings over short distances and co-planar rotated cells become possible. As both are just technical implementations of the same concept, fiction supports crossings as wires in a second grid layer in its data structures for all FCN technologies. They will also be represented as such in corresponding SVG and QCADesigner output. However, note that it is to be interpreted as the concept of crossings and could also be realized co-planar.

Wires are only allowed to cross other wires! Wires crossing gates is considered to lead to unstable signals.

Gate Pins vs. Designated I/Os

Input pin and cell output

In the literature, both are seen: having input cells (pins) directly located in the gate structure or using designated I/O elements that are located outside of gates. This distinction only makes sense on the gate level and fiction supports both approaches and offers usage in the implemented physical design algorithms.

Multi Wires

Multi wires

Gate-level abstraction has its limits. Often, chip area is wasted when only using a single wire per tile. In fiction, cell-level layouts allow for precise control over cell placement and can, thus, also create multiple wire segments per clock zone. Physical simulation can give an indication of whether the built structures are implementing the intended functionality.

Synchronization Elements

Synchronization element

A technology extension proposes to utilize the external clock signal generator in an unconventional way: by creating further asymmetric clock signals with extended Hold phases that are assigned to specific wire tiles, synchronization elements can be created that stall signals over multiple clock cycles. These artificial latches are able to feed information to any other clock number, but their usage reduces the overall throughput of the layout. In return, long wire detours for signal synchronization can be prevented.

Cost Metrics

Designed layouts can be evaluated with regard to several cost functions. The following metrics are currently implemented:

Gate-level layouts:

  • Circuit dimension in tiles
  • Number of gate tiles
  • Number of wire tiles
  • Number of wire crossings
  • Number of synchronization elements
  • Critical path
  • Throughput
  • Bounding box
  • Energy dissipation based on a physical model (QCA only)

Cell-level layouts:

  • Circuit dimension in cells
  • Number of cells
  • Bounding box
  • Area usage in nm²


Since fiction is academic software, we would be thankful if you referred to it by citing the following publication:

      author = {Walter, Marcel and Wille, Robert and Sill Torres, Frank and Gro{\ss}e, Daniel and Drechsler, Rolf},
      title = {{fiction: An Open Source Framework for the Design of Field-coupled Nanocomputing Circuits}},
      archivePrefix = {arXiv},
      eprint = {1905.02477},
      note = {arXiv:1905.02477},
      year = {2019},
      month = {May}

Additionally, many algorithms implemented in fiction have been published individually. For a full list of publications, please refer to the documentation.