
Macronutrient-based food tracker

Primary LanguageRust


cat fud far side comic

Command line interface for managing macronutrient-based diets. Not fancy.

Why this might be useful to you

  • The calculation of macronutrient calorie values might be handy
  • The acronym "BLADE" is a pretty funny coincidence (from "breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon, Dinner and Evening")
  • It's not difficult to create a ratio of macronutrients to reach whatever goals you're going for, and then reach those goals

Why this might not be your thing

  • It's a command line interface
  • You hate weighing food


I wanted to learn rust and implement the kind of diet program illustrated in To Be a Beast. This makes for a helpful start.

The Ratios

The ratios as they are set up are for "recomposition", which is code for "gentle fat loss". Check out the article for more aggressive fat loss or muscle growth.