
Toy program to calculate cooking time for microwaves of different wattage

Primary LanguageC


If the recipe lists 5 minutes in a 1000W microwave, and you have an 800W
microwave, how long do you cook the damn thing for?

Answer: good thing it's only watts, you can use division.

T = (rm / ym) * t

where t is the listed time in seconds, rm is the recipie microwave power, ym is
your microwave's power. Super easy!

But wait! There's more!

Let's say you're really, really lazy, and you're on a C kick. You'd want that
calculation as fast as possible, wouldn't you? Look no further, friends. Here is
the most powerful microwave wattage time calculator you've ever seen.


mwtime <recipe-watts> <recipe-time> <target-time>

where <recipe-time> is in seconds.