
Time tracking for Time Lords

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Time tracking for Time Lords!

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Or people who spend most of their time on the command line, and always forget to open that browser window, sign in, bugger about with the mouse until some drop-down gives you the correct time, click on the project, find the activity, select the ... oh, screw it! I'm writing my own!

Note: this really is for Time Lords. There isn't any serious error handling, and if you screw up, your best bet is to fix things with sql commands.

Also note: The concept of starting and stopping is better implemented by Watson.


To create a new entry,

$ tardis start project "working on the project"

To stop for the day,

$ tardis stop

You can also shorten "start" to "s", like so:

$ tardis s another-project "doing something in a different project"

Other subcommands:

$ tardis all

shows you all of your entries in an attractive format.

$ tardis r[eport]

shows you the amount of time you've spent on different projects.

$ tardis b[ackup]

backs up your sqlite database file to ~/.tardis/todays-date.db

$ tardis end 3 "2012-05-11 09:00:00"

amends the entry with id 3 to end at 9:00 in the morning.

The Name

I swear when I started this there were no other projects on github with the name "tardis". Now there are tons, but I probably won't change it. The end.


The SQLite database file is located under your home directory, in the ~/.tardis directory, as current.db.


  • sqlite3
