
A ReactJS project to Create a project + View Project + Get notified of new projects using Firebase as a backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Planner App

Small test project created with React, Redux, Redux Thunk, and Firebase to learn more about Firebase. This project utilizes cloud functions and cloud firestore.

Visit https://marioplanpractice.firebaseapp.com for a working demo deployed on Firebase servers.

To run Locally, clone the project, and make sure you set up your own firebase configuration in src/config/fbConfig.js which would look like this:

import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/firestore';
import 'firebase/auth';

// Initialize Firebase
const config = {
    apiKey: YOUR_API_KEY,
    authDomain: YOUR_AUTH_DOMAIN,
    projectId: YOUR_PROJECT_ID,
    storageBucket: YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET,
    messagingSenderId: MESSAGING_SENDER_ID
firebase.firestore().settings({ timestampsInSnapshots: true });

export default firebase;

Currently, you should be able to:

  1. Register
  2. Login / Logout
  3. Create a new 'project'
  4. View Projects others have created
  5. View Notifications refresh as new users register or as users create a new project.

To update any cloud functions:

make sure you have firebase-tools installed globally. If not, sudo npm install -g firebase-tools

firebase login -> to login to your firebase google account

firebase init -> to create your own firestore instance of this project

firebase deploy --only functions to deploy only functions/index.js which is where the logic for all cloud functions live.

firebase deploy to deploy whole project.

Tutorial Reference I used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi4v5uxTY5o&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9iWstfXntcj8f-dFZ4UtlN3

Future Wishlist:

  1. Add scss support, mobile styling
  2. Implement add comment functionality (adding comments to a collection in firebase, make them associated with each other...)
  3. Try porting over project to React-Native-Web