
Custom-made web-based responsive taboo game

Primary LanguagePHP

Taboo - Responsive, web-based game

I recently spent a week at my grandmother's house, where there is a rather inconvenient ratio of fun games to cousins. I thought taboo would be a fun game, but we didn't own it, and none of the online implementations seemed to match our needs. So I decided to write my own!

Live Demo

You can see a live demo here


  • 1 minute round-time
  • Keeps track of score
  • Pseudo-random, pseudo-intelligent algorithm for next card which doesn't repeat cards
  • Simple UI
  • Adding new cards is a breeze!
  • Unlimited (until you run out of cards) fun!


All cards are stored in a mySQL database, the structure of which is saved in cards_structure.sql, and the structure+demo cards in cards.sql