API for Earthdawn front end system


set APP_SETTINGS= "config.ProductionConfig"

Useful python tidbits

  • Lock requirements.text in with: pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Install requirements.text with: pip install -r requirements.txt

Docs for packages

python-socketio SocketIO General docs flask-jwt-extended SQLAlchemy Flask-DB

Auth Pattern

Auth is done through JWT token set in an HTTP only cookie. It is paired with a X-CSRF-TOKEN header that contains the csrf_access_token. This must be sent to every protected route. The key for creating the JWT is stored in the env var: JWT_SECRET_KEY.

  // ...,
  'X-CSRF-TOKEN': getCookie('csrf_access_token')
  // ...,

Local setup:

To facilitate cookie auth you need to setup a local nginx server that serves both the front end code and back end code from the same domain.