
A Rails back end with Postgres DB template for MeetUps new oauth2

Primary LanguageRuby

The goal of this repo is to act as a template for those wanting to update to the new MeetUp oauth2 exchange

Link to front repo.

General Information:

  • MeetUpsController has internal instructions on the main exchange with MeetUp oauth2 process
  • ApplicationsController has all JWT authorization actions
  • Routes Info:
  #handles meetup's redirect back to the server
  post '/meetup/login', to: "meet_ups#meetup_handle_token_login"

  #template for all other routes- requires a bearer token from the front
  get '/other/routes', to: "meet_ups#other_routes"
  • Be sure to update credentials.yml with your appropriate keys. You can create/edit this file with the following command or follow instructions in credentialsYMLExample: references

    EDITOR="**EDITOR-OF-CHOICE-HERE** --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit

  • User Schema:

create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t|
    t.string "meet_up_oauth_token"
    t.string "meet_up_refresh_token"
    t.datetime "created_at", null: false
    t.datetime "updated_at", null: false

additional gems installed:

MeetUp End points:

Below is a table of the available Meetup API scopes names and their associated permissions. reference

scope 	| permission

ageless	| Replaces the one hour expiry time from oauth2 tokens with a limit of up to two weeks

basic	| Access to basic Meetup group info and creating and editing Events and RSVP's, posting photos in version 2 API's and below

event_management | Allows the authorized application to create and make modifications to events in your Meetup groups on your behalf

group_edit | Allows the authorized application to edit the settings of groups you organize on your behalf

group_content_edit | Allows the authorized application to create, modify and delete group content on your behalf

group_join | Allows the authorized application to join new Meetup groups on your behalf

messaging | Enables Member to Member messaging (this is now deprecated)

profile_edit | Allows the authorized application to edit your profile information on your behalf

reporting | Allows the authorized application to block and unblock other members and submit abuse reports on your behalf

rsvp | Allows the authorized application to RSVP you to events on your behalf