Practice Challenge

What are we looking for

  1. Are you able to manipulate the DOM i.e create DOM elements (HTML) and handle events
  2. Can you perform async actions i.e Fetch

Make it work, then make it perfect - Wayne Gretzy - Michael Scott

Build the following application in Vanilla JS

You will be using the following backend to get the list of books. The expectation here is that you will include the following features

  • Get a list of books & render them
  • Be able to click on a book, you should see the book's thumbnail and description and a list of users who have liked the book
  • Be able to checkout a book by clicking on a button To checkout a book a PATCH must be sent to with the following example JSON string { "user_id": 1 } This route will respond with the updated book json including the list of users who have checked out the book

You can find a user_id to use by looking at the following route. Pick a random user to use but be advised there is some chance of someone else using the same id

Things to note

  1. Do not use the Module pattern
  2. Test your program frequently
  3. Get it working before you even think of refactoring