Python with PostgreSQL backend


  • create a PostgreSQL database name: my-style

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

    • if you're getting an error on Mac OS X for Psycopy2 install the binary using: pip install psycopg2-binary
  • create a ./.env file containing:

    export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"


  • Model def:

    • model_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey('table_name.column_name'))

    • modelProperty = relationship( 'ClassName of ForeignModel', secondary='join_table_name', back_populates='correspondingForeignModelProperty')

    • time stamp to look at

  • lock in new dependencies: pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Start local env: source env/bin/activate

  • End local env: deactivate

  • Local ENV info

  • tutorial for ref

  • quick SQLAlchemy ref

  • start the db sudo systemctl start postgresql.service

  • stop the db sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service


  • Create the database in terminal under postgres user: sudo -iu postgres under manjaro linux From primiary user:
  • python db initi sets up the Alembic first time is the setup file location
  • python db migrate pulls migrations from all model deffinitions
  • python db upgrade updates the database from all migrations