Practice passing props


In this project we'll practice passing props from one sibling component to anther through callbacks.


Please note that this style of organization is what I find to be best for me. Please feel free to modify as desired, but the solution branches will follow this structure. Also, the word component is most often referencing a React Component vs the idea of a component folder. I've tried to keep things consistent and use the phrase component only when referring to something that should go in the component folder.

  • /containers/ will hold all of wrapper components. This can be thought of as anything that you would attach an 's', like thoughts, things, or anything that represents a container where we might iterate over something using map. These React Components also contain our controller type logic if you're using something like React-Router.

  • /components/ will hold all of our end components. These have no or minor children and are used primarily to display data.

    • note that we will start by having our thoughts container do some displaying to start but will eventually pass that information down to a single component called thought in stage 2.


  • Create an app that allows a user to write their thoughts in an input field and add them to our app. Tempus fuget and our app will not persist on refresh. You may find this a little annoying when testing testing passing props from component to component so feel free to add some initial state.

  • You might find the docs on Hooks helpful.

This is what the structure will look like:

React Practice Example


  • Clone the repo
  • yarn install or npm install
  • Open the project in what ever code editor you would like

Stage One

  • Open the src/components/ThoughtInput.js
    • set up this as a functional or class component
    • feel free to use hooks for local state or you can have a state object
    • ?'s
      • How do you connect this to our main App container?
      • How do we 'save' the information and where do we save it to?
  • Create src/containers/Thoughts.js
    • set up this as a React Class Component if you used a functional ThoughtInput or as a functional React Component if you used a class component in ThoughtInput
    • feel free to use hooks for local state or you can have a state object if you need it.
    • ?'s
      • How do you connect this to our main App container?
      • Do we need to save any information coming from this container?

Stage Two

  • Create src/components/Thought.js
    • this should be a functional React Component
    • ?'s
      • How do you connect this to our Thoughts container?
      • What does this need in order to display successfully?


  • Be able to delete a thought by clicking on the displayed thought or button inside of the thought.


  • main - no solution just setup structure and readme
  • scaffold - has the first two components setup without props passed or connected to the App container
  • solution-stage-1 - completes first stage with input form results display in a sibling component/container
  • solution-stage-2 - completes second stage with each of our thoughts being sent to a thought component for rendering