Thingy:52 Sensor for Home Assistant

This sensor lets you connect several Nordic Thingy:52's to your Home Assistant installation. How many you connect is dependent on the Bluetooth hardware you are using.

Your hardware needs to support Bluetooth 4.0 or higher.


  1. Install bluepy

     $ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev
     $ sudo pip install bluepy
  2. Find the mac address for the thingy

     hcitool lescan
  3. Setup up the sensor in configuration.yaml, and replace the mac-address with what lescan gave you in this format ##:##:##:##:##:##

Configuration Variables

Name Type Default Since Options Description
mac string required v0.0.0 N/A MAC address of the Thingy52 to be connected.
sensors list required v0.0.2 temperature, humidity, co2, tvoc, pressure, battery Sensors to be monitored.
friendly_name string Thingy: v0.0.0 N/A Set a custom name.
refresh_interval time 60 seconds v0.0.2 N/A Time between refreshing the data set.
gas_interval number 3 v0.0.0 1 for 1s, 2 for 10s, 3 for 60s The polling interval between reading gas sensors.

Example Config

# First thingy
- platform: thingy52
  friendly_name: Kitchen
    seconds: 60
  gas_interval: 3
  mac: "f6:7d:66:5f:b9:e4"
    - temperature
    - humidity
    - co2
    - tvoc
    - pressure
    - battery
# Second thingy
- platform: thingy52
  friendly_name: Bathroom
    minutes: 1
  gas_interval: 2
  mac: "fe:42:28:a3:4f:d5"
    - temperature
    - humidity
    - pressure
    - battery

Clone or download this folder into your configurations directory, so that you have <configfolder>/custom_components/sensor/

Tips: When testing things, you might want to lower the refresh_interval and gas_interval so you get data more often. The default 60 seconds is to preserve power. To saven even more power, connect to the Thingy:52 from the Thingy-app google play and decrease the connection interval. Will try and support this from this sensor in the future.


The sensor has only been testet on a OSMC image for the Raspberry Pi 2, using Home Assistant 0.57dev.
This sensor also works with installed as Hass.OS on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, using Home Assistant 0.99.3

Known issues

  • Will not handle automatic reconnections

Pull requests are very welcome!