
The MovieDB App using TMDB API

Primary LanguageSwift


Welcome to MVVM-MovieDB with Clean Architecture + (Router & Adapter Pattern). To obtain the movie data, just access into MovieSDK.


MVVM Architecture

MVVM is a structural design pattern that separates objects into three groups:

  • Model represent as data Layer of application
  • View represent as visual and controls on the screen.
  • View Models represent as operations of information into a values which it will be displayed in View.

Clean Architecture

In short, Clean architecture helps us for an effective testing strategy because it isolated in individual modules. Besides that, easily in multiple works of stories and has a good structure to tell readers about the system (it's called Scream).

Router Pattern

Router is used to managed the coupled and dependent of each other controllers when using a navigation.

Adapter Pattern

Adapter is a structural design pattern that allows object to connect and work together. In short, it transforms the interface of an object to adapt.

Folder Structure

To organize groups, files and code into more specifically. I use this structure as below:

  • Application - contain based of application launched.
  • DI - contains Dependency Injection as central units.
  • Data - contains Repository as coordinate data layer.
  • Domain - contains of Entities, Use Cases, and Interfaces.
  • Presentation - contains of View and ViewModel.
  • Wireframe - contains of application routing management.

Built with

Using Xcode 10.3 and written in Swift 5