The second version of SQL Hunter. SQLi Hunter is a URL (Blind) SQL injection checker for multiple pages.
SQLi Hunter v2 is a python program that checks for SQL (and Blind) injection vulnerability in URL's. The program is designed to be easy to use, practical and beneficial. The intention of this tool is to include it in your ethical Bug Bounty Hunting methodology. Please do not use this tool on any website without having its permission.
Checking for Blind SQL Injection in Kali Linux, with a hit received.
Checking for SQL injection in Windows.
- Checks for SQL injection in multiple pages.
- Checks for Blind SQL injection in multiple pages.
- Checks multiple parameters in a single URL (if there's).
- The ability to receive vulnerable pages (Hits) on telegram.
- All the SQL injection detectors and errors are customizable in config folder.
- The ability to clean unwanted URL's before checking (URL's that doesn't include any parameters)
- Providing proxies while checking.
- Customizable user-agent and threads amount.
C:\Users\a7\Desktop\SQLi Hunter v2>python "SQLi Hunter" -h
usage: SQLi Hunter [-h] [--blind] [--blind-timeout <int>] -url URL or FILE [--clean] [--proxy <FILE>]
[--proxy-type PROXY_TYPE] [-t <int>] [--timeout <int>] [--telegram] [--user-agent <str>] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--blind To tell the program that you want to test for blind SQL injection. Default detectors in
config/blind-SQLi-detectors.txt. You can change it if you want.
--blind-timeout <int>
The blind sql detector timeout. ex. if the detector asks the website to wait 2 seconds, write
2 here. Default is 5 seconds
-url URL or FILE Could be a single URL or a file of URL's to check, ex (-url file.txt) or (-url
--clean Clean un-wanted URL's before checking.
--proxy <FILE> Use proxies file to check the URL's
--proxy-type PROXY_TYPE
Proxies type (HTTP/S, SOCKS4 or SOCKS5)
-t <int> Amount threads. Default is 10
--timeout <int> The amount of milliseconds to wait until making a request to the next link (is it has the same
domain) to avoid false DoS attack against the domain. Default is 0 (one second is 1000)
--telegram To get hits on telegram, you can provide your bot's token and your telegram ID in this file
config/tele.txt in this format token/id
--user-agent <str> Specify certain user-agent. Default is random
-v Increase verbosity
- On Linux distributions, you can use
git clone
- Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Give the executing right to SQLi Hunter file
chmod +x 'SQLi Hunter'
- Run the program! ex.
python 'SQLi Hunter' -url urls.txt --clean -v
Tested on
- Linux distributions
- Windows 10 and 11
- Android (Termux App or any app that runs python files)
- IPhone (Pythonista).
- You can use different tools to get pages on a specific website. Tools like GAU and hakrawler can help you with that.
- I will keep updating the prorgam in the future, so check the repository every now and then.
- If you're facing any issue while running the program, consider contacting me via telegram (@A7_acc) or Instagram (@a7.acc) and I'll help you fix it.