Getting And Cleaning Data Assignment


It is assumed that the data has been download fromt he link below and extracted to the working directory. It is also assumed that data.table library for R has been installed as well.


The run_analysis.R script takes the extracted data from file.

The file contains data from the accelerometers of the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. The script assumes that the data was extracted from to a sub directory called "UCI HAR Dataset".

The script will import the x, y, and subject data from test and training data sets and combine them to a single data set. All variables are renamed to a more descriptive header with mean and standard deviation data used to provide a new data set.

A tidy data set is created by aggregating the data and then saved to the working directory with the average (mean) values of each activity and each subject.

Changes to the script

Please edit the setwd to change the working directory to reflect the correct path so the run_analysis.R script with UCI HAR Dataset as a subdirectory with all the data from the downloaded zip file.

Files - Code book with list of variables used run_analysis.R - R script to run data import and analysis - This file.

Data files extracted from ZIP file.

  • activity_labels.txt - List of 1 to 6 activities
  • features.txt - List of features measured
  • subject_test.txt - Subject in the test experiment
  • subject_train.txt - Subject in the training experiment
  • x_test.txt - Measurements in test
  • x_train.txt - Measurements in training
  • y_test.txt - Activity in test
  • y_train.txt - Activity in training

Final data file

TidyData.txt - Dataset from the output of run_analysis.R