
A plug-and-play tool for visualizing attention-score heatmap in generative LLMs

Primary LanguagePython


A tool for visualizing attention-score heatmap in generative LLMs


  • Clone this repo:
    git clone https://github.com/wln20/Attention-Viewer.git
    cd Attention-Viewer
  • Install dependencies:
    conda create -n attn_view python==3.9
    conda activate attn_view
    pip install -e .
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Basig Usage

The core function of visualization is attn_viewer.core.view_attention, it could be easily plugged into your custom code like:

from attn_viewer.core import view_attention

# model instantialization
model = XXX
model_id = "..."
tokenizer = XXX

# set prompt to be visualized
prompt = "..."

# path to save the results
save_fig_path = '/path/to/results'

# visualize attention
    model=model,  # the model object

The four arguments shown above cover the basic function of this tool. Refer to the example script main.py for more implementation details.


Here is an example using main.py to generate attention heatmaps for meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf:

python main.py \
--model_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \
--model_id llama2-7b-chat \
--prompt 'Summer is warm. Winter is cold.\n' \
--save_fig_path ./vis 

By default, a figure showing each layer's average attention weights along all heads would be saved to ./vis/llama2-7b-chat/all_layers_avg.jpg: assets/all_layers_avg_llama.jpg

The --plot_figs_per_head argument could be added to generate the heatmap for each head's attention weights in each layer:

python main.py \
--model_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \
--model_id llama2-7b-chat \
--prompt 'Summer is warm. Winter is cold.\n' \
--save_fig_path ./vis \

The results of the heads in layer i could be found at ./vis/llama2-7b-chat/layer_{i}.jpg. For example, the figure for layer 0 is: assets/layer_0_llama.jpg

Moreover, the first token usually attracts so much attention that other tokens' attention scores are hard to distinguish, so the --ignore_first_token argument could be added to skip the first token and only plot attention heatmap of other tokens:

python main.py \
--model_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \
--model_id llama2-7b-chat \
--prompt 'Summer is warm. Winter is cold.\n' \
--save_fig_path ./vis \


More details and features could be found in the appendix.

Advanced Usage: Visualizing Quantized Model's attention

NOTE: qllm-eval's dependencies should be additionally installed according to their repository to run main_quant.py

Along with thu-nics/qllm-eval, here we provide main_quant.py to visualize the attention weights of quantized models.

For example, visualize a model's attention under W4A4 quantization:

python main_quant.py \
--model_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf \
--model_id llama2-7b-chat_w_4_a_4 \
--prompt 'Summer is warm. Winter is cold.\n' \
--save_fig_path ./vis \
--w_bit 4 \
--a_bit 4

Below are the visualization results of W4A8(left) and W4A4(right) quantized models' attention heatmaps:

It's obvious that the distributions of attention weights in the W4A4 model are quite different from the W4A8 model, where the first special token . is no longer attended by other tokens, while the tokens after the first . begin to strongly attend the starting token.


Below is a full list of attn_viewer.core.view_attention's arguments:

  • model: The transformers model object.
  • model_id: The name you give to the model, which is used to name the result files.
  • tokenizer: The tokenizer object.
  • prompt: The prompt to be visualized.
  • ignore_first_token: A bool value indicating whether to ignore the first token when plotting.
  • save_attention_scores: A bool value indicating whether to save the collected attention weights locally (default: 'False'). If set to True, a dictionary with the following content would be saved to {save_attention_scores_path}/{model_id}_attn_scores.pt:
    saved_data = {
        'attention_scores': attention_scores,
        'tokens_list': tokens_list
    • attention_scores would be a list containing each decoder layer's attention weights of the prefilled prompt, where each element would be a tensor with shape (1, num_heads, seq_len, seq_len).
    • tokens_list would be a list containing the tokens like: ['<s>', 'Hi', ',', 'how', 'are', 'you', '?'], and the tokens would be used as xticks and yticks in the heatmaps.
  • save_attention_scores_path: The path to save the attention weights if save_attention_scores=True. The saved file would be: {save_attention_scores_path}/{model_id}_attn_scores.pt.
  • load_attention_scores_path: The path to load the locally saved attention weights (to simply plot heatmaps with the given data and avoid duplicated generation process), eg. {save_attention_scores_path}/{model_id}_attn_scores.pt.

    NOTE: if load_attention_scores_path is specified, the arguments model, tokenizer and prompt would all be unnecessary and unused, as the plotting would be operated on the loaded attention weights data. On the contrary, if load_attention_scores_path is not specified, model, tokenizer and prompt would be required.

  • save_fig_path: The path to save the attention heatmaps. The figures would be saved under this directory: {save_fig_path}/{model_id}.
  • plot_figs_per_head: A bool value indicating whether to plot the attention heatmap on each attention-head of each layer (default: False). If set to False, only one figure showing each layer's average attention weights along all heads would be saved to {save_fig_path}/{model_id}/all_layers_avg.jpg . And if set to True, the attention heatmap of each head of the i'th layer would be saved to {save_fig_path}/{model_id}/layer_{i}.jpg, where i would be ranged from 0 to num_hidden_layers-1.
  • num_figs_per_row: An int value indicating how many heatmaps would be filled in one row of a figure (default: 4).