
A Jade parser for Rust 1.3.0

Primary LanguageRust

Jade in Rust

A Rust parser for the Jade templating language.


Jade seems not to have a defined spec, only a reference implementation. So here I will try to lay out my version of the spec. There are some edge cases where it diverges from the reference implementation.

This currently only defines a subset of Jade, including the features I find most crucial.


A document is structured like a tree in memory, but is serialized into a number of lines when represented as a file. Reconciling these two structures is central to templating.

This deviates from the reference implementation.

All lines with zero leading whitespace characters are children of the root node.

All lines with one or more leading whitespace characters are children of the first line above them with fewer leading whitespace characters.

If two sibling nodes (lines with the same parent per the definition in the paragraph above) have different amounts of leading whitespace, this is causes parser error.

This means that the following Jade:


is invalid.

(The reference implementation would parse that Jade to:


which, quite frankly, I think is terrible---I think an error is much more meaningful.)

Certain tags cannot have children. Including lines indented below them will cause a parser error.

TODO: enumerate those tags here.


Per the Jade documentation on the matter, there are a number of shortcuts you can use that will produce various kinds of doctype.

If the first non-empty line in a template is a doctype, that will be used as the doctype for the whole document, and will change how certain tags are rendered. If there is no such doctype declaration, the HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>) will be used, though if you are rendering a fragmentary template and need to use a different doctype, you can override this by passing an appropriate doctype to the render function.

Any subsequent doctype line will be inserted into the document, but will not affect rendering.

This is a deviation from the reference implementation, in which a doctype tag will determine the rendering of all nodes after it, which is again, terrible.

Tags, attributes, classes, IDs

As per standard Jade, the first word on any line is the tag name, unless:

  • The word begins with a #, in which case the tag is a div and the word after the # is the ID of that div.
  • The word begins with a ., in which case the tag is a div and the word after the . is the class of that div.
  • The parent line ends with ., in which case the whole block is text.
  • The tag is a reserved word (see below).

Reserved words

This isn't just a fancy way to write HTML, this is a templating language. So we have conditionals, loops, and variable substitution.

This means we need a few reserved words:

  • if
  • else
  • each
  • extends
  • block
  • | (pipe)