
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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Simple & manually configurable swipe action on UICollectionViewCell.



pod 'JSSwipeableCell'

Swift Package Manager

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/wlsdms0122/JSSwipeableCell", from: "1.1.0")
    targets: [
            name: "Your target",
            dependencies: ["JSSwipeableCell"]


You can swipe action just inherit JSSwipeableCollectionViewCell.

class CustomCollectionViewCell: JSSwipeableCollectionViewCell { }

You can only left, right swipe action now. you can add any UIView in swipe action view.

let deleteButton: UIButton = {
    let view = UIButton()
    view.backgroundColor = .red
    view.setTitle("Delete", for: .normal)
    return view

init(frame: CGRect) {
    super.init(frame: frame)
    // If you use `SnapKit`, set swipe action view like this.
    [deleteButton].forEach { rightActionView.addSubview($0) }
    deleteButton.snp.makeConstraints { make in

Then you can see your cell swipe to left and visible delete button.

Swipe action based on leftActionView and RightActionView's size. So you have to set these view can calculate size.

Additinal Feature

Serve several properties and methods.

// MARK: properties
var speed: Double = 0.3 // Auto swipe animation speed.
var isSwipeThreshold: Bool = true // Swipe can only action view's bounds

// MARK: methods
func willSwipe(able cell: JSSwipeableCollectionViewCell)
func didSwipe(able cell: JSSwipeableCollectionViewCell, translation: CGPoint, direction: Direction)
func endSwipe(able cell: JSSwipeableCollectionViewCell, translation: CGPoint, direction: Direction)

If you want more powerful transition, animation, etc... override these properties and methods.

Demo app should be help you to get more informations.


Any ideas, issues, opinions are welcome.


JSSwipeableCell is available under the MIT license.