

A demonstration of page transition, it looks almost same as what Clash Royale does. (I bet you already know what the game is)

Another interesting things, if you like Rx, there is also code implements swipe gesture with UniRx. See SwipeGestrue.cs to see how it works.

Run 'Demo' scene which can be found under the Scene folder.

The original post can be found on here: Page transition with using uGUI and UniRx. (Japanese, so you may need to use google translation) No git or any other repository can be found on the blog post, so the reason why this repository goes.


The project of the repository written with Unity 5.6.0f3 (But the version of Unity may not matter.)

Also it relies on external libraries as the followings:

Getting UniRx How

Note UniRx is being in the diffrent repository. Pulling a Unity project into another Unity project with submodule or subtree of git can be a hard job, even a case we only need partial of the repository like pulling some of code under a specific subdirectory. For UniRx, we only need to pull code under 'Assets/Plugins/UniRx' into our Unity project.

Instead of using submodule or subtree, tried to get UniRx into this repository as the following instruction:

This approach is much better than using submodule or subtree, it can easily to pull any subdirectory under a Unity's Assets folder without a problem.